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Chesed! Chesed! Chesed! Chesed! Chesed!

Mi K’amcho Yisroel! That’s all the words I can find to describe my feelings about the amount of Chesed that is going on around the world right now.There are organizations delivering packages to the needy. These packages include: potatoes, eggs, apples, oranges, lemons, grapefruits, onions, matzoh, grape juice, wine, and anything else needed to make Pesach. Depending on the family size, they receive different amounts. No one is left hungry! Trucks are being driven, and boxes are being shlepped by hard working Yeshiva Bochurim (giving up time from their three week Bain Hazmanim).

There are organizations who give out vouchers to the needy for suits, shaitels, shoes, shirts etc.

There are organizations giving out huge amounts of money throughout the world.

There are organizations who can send girls to your home to babysit your children, or to clean your home.

There is a person in Eretz Yisroel who purchased a matzoh bakery to be able to supply families with matzoh for $8 dollars a kilo, as opposed to the regular $50 a kilo.

The list is endless……

I am no Rov, Rabbi, Teacher, Preacher, Rosh Yeshiva, Rebbe.

I am just the YW Editor, and I’m not giving a Shabbos Hagadol Drasha.

I just wanted to express my Hakoras hatov to the thousands of Chesed organization throughout the world who are helping make the Yom Tov of Pesach go a little easier.

Instead of the negative, lets think of the positive.

In this Zechus, let us hope that THIS year will in fact be the Z’man Cheiruseynu!

YW Editor.

18 Responses

  1. In the zechus of our recognizing our reliance on and appreciation of HaKadosh Baruch Hu in the Kama v’chama tova k’fula u’michupeles that He does for us, may we be all zoche to the G’eula Sh’leiam Bimheira v’yamainu!

  2. There is also an enourmous amount of Hachnosos Orchim . People are housing Russian Baalei Teshuvas for Pesach. Poor teenagers who dont have a home will now be able to share the Yom tOV CELEBRATION amongst ehrlicher yirei shomayim.
    Mi kaamcho Yisroel indeed!

  3. Yashe Koach to Y.W editor for all the good reporting all year. May this year bring you much success with the site and all your ventures

  4. Hayliger Bashefer mir hubin deech zayer leeb.
    Thank you YW – you brought a tear to my eye and chizuk like you cant believe.
    Der zchis zul deer bayshtayn.

  5. my friends – I may post more today, but in the event that I don’t, Wishing you all a Chag Kosher v’Someach and may we be all zoche to the G’eula Sh’leiam Bimheira v’yamainu!

    Looking forward to seeing you all in Yerushlayim Ir HaKodesh (this year)!

    mdlevine and the wife

  6. we just had a baby two weeks ago, and the amount of chessed from the local community is unbelieveable – the general attitude is to get your house ready for Yom Tov, but people are going so much out of their way to help other people as well!
    תזכו כלכם למצוות – ונזכה כלנו לגאולתינו השלימה השנה, אמן

  7. To the YW editor: perhaps you SHOULD be giving a shabbos hagogol drasha!! yasher koach to you, your staff and all those involved with this wonderful site. Wishing all a kosheren pesach

  8. Omein Kein Yehi Ratzon.
    There’s always more that can be done. Let’s roll up our sleeves and do just a little more and maybe just that will make the difference in whether THIS in fact will be the Shnas HaGeulah. Wishing ALL of Klall Yisroel a Chag Kosher V’Sameach with Refuos, Yeshuos & Nechomos for ALL who need them.

  9. Amen! Beautifully written. And behalf of my husband and children, A Chag Kosher V’Sameach to all of Klal Yisroel. And remember it is still early in the day. Hopefully THIS YEAR we will be zoche to be able to partake of the Korben Pesach.

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