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VIDEO: Thousands Head To Uman; Dancing In The Airport….Shofars Blowing….

A video of Ben Gurion International Airport as thousands of people make their way to Uman for Rosh HaShanah.

Click HERE for photos.

(Yehuda Boltshauser & Yossi Bodenheim / Kuvien Images)

10 Responses

  1. from the looks of things, it looks like a good part of the people going are crazies, druggies etc. Why did you post the video? It’s loshon hora…

  2. And this is a good thing, for thousands of people to leave their families alone while they travel to Ukraine? Is there any reason that the Rebbe can’t be reburied in Eretz Yisrael?

  3. I am one of those people in Uman, and in fact, leave my family, which is undoubtedly one of the hardest things I do, however while there are many eccentric people here, there are throngs more of Erilich Breslov, Chassidim and many many more. It is 5:30am in Uman right now and there are thousands of people saying selichos. Being here gives many an opportunity to daven, and reflect without the distractions of home. Big Picture!

  4. Why do Breslevers have such a bad name among Orthodox? I see this video (as a Noachide) and see emuna filled people very excited to spend Rosh Hashannah close to their Rebbe Z”L who’s disciples marked it very highly to spend in Uman at his grave.

    R’Lazer Brody says as to why they would leave Israel: “The main coronation of The King takes place in the Kloiz, the cental prayer hall near Rebbe Nachman’s holy gravesite in Uman, which was the site of one of the greatest sanctifications of Hashem’s name in history. During the Cossack pogroms of 1728, 33,000 Jews were brutally slaughtered after they refused to give up their ancient faith. Uman is the biggest teshuva and emuna factory in the world.”

    @goodbye Why would this be loshon hora, wouldn’t it be evil speech to call them druggies? Where would you ever get the basis to call them such evil things?

  5. #5: Obviously, there are much more, quality and quantity, going TO Eretz Yisroel. What with all the live Rebbes in Eretz Yiroel; Gehr, Belz, Vizhnitz, Kloizenburg, Stolin, Boyan, Slonim, Seret Vizhnitz etc. etc. But all the many thousands going to these Rebbes are not putting on a show or looking to create a scene… so what can they take a video of?

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