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Sefer Torah Dedicated By American Yeshiva Students In Memory Of Victims of Mercaz HaRav Massacre

hst.jpgDespite the overwhelming crowd at the hachnasas sefer Torah, the absence of eight exceptional boys who were murdered in cold blood was felt immeasurably.

Attended by over 500 people, this hachnasas sefer Torah’s message was not only of the continuity of Torah and the Jewish people and their everlasting resilience, but of the love of Jews worldwide for their brethren. A glance at the decorative mantle might have given a casual onlooker insight into the uniqueness of the occasion; it was embroidered with the names of eight young Torah students who were murdered barely three months before.

While every attack in Eretz Yisrael causes Jews worldwide pain, few were as mind-numbing as the recent attack in the Mercaz HaRav yeshiva. On March 6, a lone gunman took the lives of eight budding talmidei chachamim, shining lights killed while immersed in Torah study. The enormity of the tragedy was stunning; the loss of such pure young souls was heart-wrenching.

Yitzchok Fuchs of Flatbush and Yosef Wartelsky of Far Rockaway could not get the tragedy out of their minds. They felt a keen desire to bring some small measure of nechamah to the families. At the same time, they felt that youngsters in America, most of whom had heard of the tragedy, should be given a tangible way to feel connected to the plight of their fellow Jews in Eretz Yisrael. Fuchs and Wartelsky, together with the staunch support of Rabbi Yaakov Bender, hatched a plan: to collect money for a sefer Torah for Mercaz HaRav from yeshiva students in America.

More than 10,000 students from over 30 schools in the U.S. and Canada participated in the project. Children were asked not to raise money, but to donate money from their own funds. And donate they did. In denominations of singles, fives, tens, and twenties, the money came in. Many envelopes contained odd amounts that were clearly a child’s entire savings. It was evident that the tragedy of the kedoshim had touched the children’s hearts. Over $30,000 was ultimately raised, and a dedication was planned for Thursday night, June 12.

The hachnasas sefer Torah began with dancing at Beit Sefer Maimon in Kiryat Moshe and continued to the Mercaz HaRav yeshiva. Besides the students of Mercaz HaRav, the over 500 people in attendance included family members of the slain boys, students from Yeshivas Mir, students from Shuvu, and members of the Knesset. It was remarkable how palpable the simcha was despite the tragedy that was its prelude. The mother of one of the victims told Yosef that this was the biggest nechamah she could possibly have received.

Returning to the United States after attending the hachnasas sefer Torah, Yosef and Yitzchok felt that their mission had been well accomplished. Every time that sefer Torah is used, the students of Mercaz HaRav will know that they are very much in the hearts and minds of their brothers and sisters abroad, as the inscription on the mantle ends with “nedovat tinokot shel beit rabban b’Artzot haBris” (a gift from the schoolchildren in the United States). Hopefully, this feeling of achdus and “areivim zeh lazeh” will go a long way toward bringing the geulah sheleimah bimheirah b’yameinu.

(Ilana Keilson – 5 Towns Jewish Times)

12 Responses

  1. Whoever knows these fine two gentlemen can testify that even though they do not have any social or political connection to yeshivas mercas harav, their ahavas yisroel was overwelming and compelled them to take the initiative to do this great mitzva of ksivas sefer torah li’ilui nishmas these kedoshim.
    May we be zocheh that hkb”h should be mekabel this act of selflessness and be merachem on all of us so that we should never ever have to witness anymore killings in klal yisroel.

  2. Mi k’amcha yisrael!!!

    One of these stories makes of for 50 of the other type of storiess one usually sees, even on sites such as this.

    Kol haKavod to all the kinderlach and bochrim involved. You have made a true Kiddush HaShem.

  3. #1, who wouldn’t agree. And may we carry this unity always. May it not take tragedy to bring out the stark realization that Acheinu Kol Bais Yisrael.

  4. Yitzchok Fuchs is a true osek b’tzurchai tzibbur and should be rewarded with all the brochos such a person deserves.

  5. It is truly an honor to say that I know Yitzy for over 30 years. He has always had a heart of gold. He IS the TRUE definition of an “askan”. No politics, no fanfare, no hocking…..just plain old Ahavas Yisroel. What a breath of fresh air. (Other “askanim” take note!!!) May he and Yosef be zoche to continue making a kiddush Hashem & make all of Klal Yisroel proud.

  6. This is absolutely wonderful article, describing a wondeful response in the face of horror. The article correctly notes that we have lost “8 budding Talmidei Chachamim”, and Hashem Yerachem Aleinu, that is precisely what we lost.

    Wouldn’t it be great if it didn’t take a tragedy to cause us to realize this. There are many young budding Talmidei Chachamim in Mercaz HaRav and other Yeshivos with similar Hashkafa, as well as many actual Talmidai Chachamim who learned in these Yeshivos. When they grow into full fledged Talimidei Chachamim, do we all look past the Kippa Sruga and the Hashkafa and recognize that? Some of us recognise Gedolei Torah who learned in Yeshivos with Hashkafos that might be different than our own. All of us should learn from those people. In the zechus of this sefer Torah, and the unity so many have shown in the face of this attacck, may Hashem protect Klal Yisroel from future tragedies and from our enemies.

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