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WATCH: Holy Smokes – Mezhibuzer Rebbe Smoking A Cigar

10 Responses

  1. Why would YWN publicize anyone engaging in this disgusting and dangerous habit?? It makes no difference if it is a Rav, a chashuva askan or just plain poishete yid…its stupid, its dangerous to one’s health and showing a Rav doing it only makes it seem more acceptable to the youngerleit

  2. That’s not a cigar! If you’re gonna smoke a cigar do it properly.
    My preference is a Cuban Romeo y Julieta.
    And don’t forget to light it with a match; never use a lighter.

  3. It gets nauseating to see people feigning kedusha. The real kedusha is not what people do publicly before the eyes of the public or a camera. It is when they give of themselves for others without personal gain, and even at personal cost. There is plenty of that occurring throughout Klal Yisroel. But the media attention goes to the Baalei Gaavah of the world, pretending they are enveloped in kavanos and such. The greatest tzaddikim of our history shunned that stuff, and stuck with the genuine Avodas Hashem, not the theatrics.

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