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Shaked: The Chareidim Must Serve in the IDF and Join the Workforce

Speaking with Channel 2 News on Wednesday morning 12 Shevat 5773, Bayit HaYehudi MK-elect Ayelet Shaked explained “I understand the political system and I am well aware that there must be compromise, but there are things upon which there can be no compromise. We will not be part of a coalition that removes yishuvim.”

Shaked stated “we favor sharing the burden and bringing chareidim into the work place, as well as focusing on economic issues, and therefore she remains confident that there will be an effective coalition government”.

Shaked added that the party which centered the election campaign around the diplomatic process with the PA (Palestinian Authority) was Tzipi Livni’s The Movement, and “we see the results and we can learn the people are interested in other issues, the economy and sharing the burden and it is clear to all under current realities there will not be peace [with the PA].”

Regarding chareidi parties, Shaked explained “Netanyahu has a history and usually goes with chareidim and I believe here too this will be the case. I think the chareidim are aware of the new reality and they now also realize they must serve in the IDF and join the workplace.”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

9 Responses

  1. and now it its “crunch” time

    Will the zionists have the nerve to throw hareidim in jail for refusing to serve in the army? Will they close down yeshivos that support those who refuse to serve in the army? How will Eidos Hareidos respond when their talmidim are drafted (civil disobedience, seeking alliance with the goyim, etc.)? Will the “zionist” hareidim (who have been accepting government money), agree to “pay the devil his due” by letting their students be drafted or will they go back to being anti-zionists (which most of them originally were).

    It’s possible the zionists will provide a strong carrot to yeshiva students who serve in the army, and that the “stick” will be limited to loss of government funding for those who don’t serve in the army. Combined with a serious effort to accomodate hareidim in the army, the crisis will pass.

    It’s also possible there will be a confrontation that will cripple the IDF and probably undermine the Medinah’s international political position (since a nominally Jewish state that is seen as persecuting Jews for being religious will be seriously undermining its international support).

  2. Finally a real opportunity for Charedim who are NOT learning Full Time to do National Service, without the entire kehilla, block, yeshiva and building giving them dirty looks… get trained at some vocation and continue to be a BEN TORAH with a professional. Will then qualify for veterans monies, housing options and self-respect. The modos are going to have to open doors to our children and grands also and even teach some Math & science according to Saba Yisroel A feather in lots of hats.

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  3. “Will the “zionist” hareidim (who have been accepting government money),or will they go back to being anti-zionists (which most of them originally were)”.

    Let’s look at the history of the Medinah so that the facts on the ground are facts of accuracy. The edah hacharedi was a Hungarian sect which came on aliyah. The leaders in the 30,40,50 were Rav Isser Zalman Meltzer, Chazon Ish, Rav SZ Auerbach, Rav Chodesh&Sarna, Rav TP Frank, Rav Herzog and Rav Kook (they all had a working relation with each other, even if there hashkafas varied) and others — none were ever Anti-Zionists. Many gave advise to their talmidim to join an army-type of set up when finished with learning. The facade of everyone was anti-zionist is a story line that fits in with today’s read.

  4. The Edes hareidos dates back, in various forms, to the central organizations of the Ottoman Era (i.e. before the zionists). The Old Yishuv leaders favored peace with the Muslims, got along reasonably well the Ottomans, and tried to negotiate with the Arabs (until the zionists, fearful of a Hareidi-Arab alliance, assasinated Jacob Israel de Haan and made it clear that no further Hareidi diplomacy would be tolerated).

    If the government fails to accomodate hareidim in the army, the number of anti-zionist hareidim will soar. If the government starts raiding yeshivos to round up the talmidim, the “aktions” will discredit the zionists in the eyes both of those who see Israel as a haven for persecuted Jews and in those who see the State of Israel in messianic terms – and these two groups are the bulk of Israel’s non-Jewish supporters. Given the growing antagonism towards Israel among goyim in general, the the growing isolationism in the USA – this is VERY bad news for Medinat Yisrael.

  5. 2 of my chareidei neighbor’s sons served in fighting units in the Israeli army-one in the nachal haredei and one in a regular combat unit,& it was curious to note that they both commented how most of the soldiers they met during their service were from small towns and yeshuvim and not from TEL AVIV. Hmn….wonder why

  6. don’t buy the cheaply catered propeganda of the Zionists.
    Here’s some facts:

    At least 65% of the IDF doesn’t risk their lives. Contribut – yes, risk – no.

    The Jewish nation historically always concidered the study of Torah as a contribution in war times.

    We thank ALL THE TIME for their contribution, while we recieve non for ours.

    The money we “rely on” is peanuts in the national budget, where the big bucks go to greek sports and Roman drama & symphonies.

    The “dirty looks” are a result of years of criminal propeganda saying מאי אהנו לי רבנן
    see Sanhedrin 99:2 to learn what kind of place thses people go to…

    So you really think the Chazon Ish and R’ Issar Zalman would agree woth to draft the Yeshivos? I never knew wishfull thinking works that well…

  7. Just for the record about the Chazon-ish. Yesterday, i saw old sefer which covers the daas toira of the Chazon-ish.

    There is a story there, that one of the chazon ish’s talmidim mentioned to him how difficult it would be with the gezeiros that Zionist are bringing forward, the holy chzon-ish replied, “I am much more worried that one day they might eliminate these gezeiros, which may lead to assimilation with the zionists”

  8. “workforce”

    Teachers are employed. Any student who gets a stipend in excess of tuition is employed. Do they demand that the students and faculty are Hebrew University (some of whom spend all day studying Taanach and Talmud) get real jobs? And remember the tens of thousands of foreign students who study at Israeli yeshivos and seminaries- this will dry up when the government starts conscription. What American parents will prefer an Israeli yeshiva once they see a video of an “aktion” where the military police raid a Beis Medrash to drag the students away??????

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