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PHOTOS: Charedim Overtun Police Vehicle In Ashdod as they Seek to Arrest a Yeshiva Bochur Who is Absent from IDF Service

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The IDF regularly arrests people absent from military service. In this latest case, which took place early Tuesday morning 30 Shevat (Monday night to Tuesday), military police arrived at Chalafta Street in Ashdod to arrest a Yeshiva Bochur who has failed to report for military service.

A crowd of bnei torah quickly gathered outside and police found themselves extremely outnumbered. The crowd began singing songs in support of the boy slated for arrest. As police checked if he was home, the crowd flipped the police vehicle onto its roof, leaving police stranded until backup units arrived. A number of other police cars were damaged by protestors hurling rocks. B’chasdei Hashem there were no injuries.

Kol Chai Radio reported on Tuesday morning the person military police were seeking was not home. It is unclear if he happened to not be home or if he was tipped off by someone in advance. The radio report adds that based on the appearance of the crowd outside that supported the talmid yeshiva, his yeshiva is affiliated with HaGaon HaRav Shmuel Auerbach Shlita, who is stringent in ordering his talmidim not to cooperate with military authorities in any way.

Military police also arrived at two addresses in Jerusalem, one at 14 Kehati Street in the Givat Shaul neighborhood and the second, 4 Aviad Street in the Givat Mordechai neighborhood. At the first locale there were too many supporters of the person sought, prompting police to turn around and leave.

Regarding the Ashdod incident in which a police vehicle was flipped over on its roof, police state no efforts will be spared in finding those responsible for the violence and destruction. Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon on Tuesday called on authorities to find those responsible and to bring down the full weight of the legal system on them for their actions.

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(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem / Photos: Media Resource Group)

29 Responses

  1. If the bochur in question does not want to serve let him live in another country. Why should my kids risk their lives to protect him?

  2. The tora states the world exists from learning tora.. So what now … Israel exist from the frum bnei tora if you take away tora will all those hundreds of rockets still not explode? Don’t you see the mirical ? Don’t you see a connection ?

  3. Why are these hooligan-mazikim described as ‘Bnnei Torah”? They obviously have not even mastered Seder Nezikin. Perhaps they dress as Bnai Torah, but as a wise man named R. Meir once said, Ain mistalkin bachovis, ella ma sheyesh boi.

  4. Baruch Hashem. Finally the Chareidim are fighting back and defending themselves rather than letting government goons attack them unimpeded and without consequences.

  5. Whilst I also struggle with this, I am slightly unnerved by the venomous tone. They genuinely see the Zionist government as a threat. Is it a wonder that like all creatures, when threatened, they turn violent? I’m not saying that’s right, and yes, they should control themselves, but can everyone on here say they always control themselves? Especially when they were teenagers – I certainly didn’t!

    Left Brooklyn – please understand that you are arguing from your perspective. I am not saying whether these people are right or wrong, but you cant argue based on a presupposition that you are right. In this case, they disagree that it is, “your” country. They will say the Old Yishuv was there first and everyone else is a latecomer.

  6. When the chilonim spend time studying Torah in the yeshivos, maybe the yeshiva bochurs will spend time in the IDF. Both sides are doing their part to protect Israel. Why should only the yeshiva bochurs modify their actions, but those who don’t study Torah are immune from any modification?

  7. Most of the comments here are extremely negative. first of all these students are not animals. I would call the nazis “animals”.
    2. When they turned over the vehicle, they made sure not to hurt anyone physically.
    3. To: Mark (comment-african rioters)
    At those riots people get hurt.
    4. Let us not forget, all those students are Hashem’s children.
    5. If they had internet during the generation of “kamtza and bar kamtza”, probably the comments would have been very similar to nowadays.

  8. All the posters here defending the Zionists have it backwards.

    The (non-Zionist) Jews were in Eretz Yisrael well before the Zionists invaded and very much did not want the Zionists to invade. The Jews very much did and continue to want to remain observant and not risk both their spiritual and physical lives to fight in Zionist wars and in an army of shmad.

    Had the Zionists not chosen to invade the land, they would not need an army, as the holy Chazon Ish told the first Zionist PM, David B.G.

    Everyone knows very well that the IDF is no place for an observant Jewish kid. Gedolim have ruled that it is forbidden to join. If you choose to send your kid there anyways, that’s your issue. But nobody else has to also send their kid there just because you chose to do so.

    The Zionists are invaders who therefore have no right to draft any Jewish child into their shmad army.

  9. I agree with #4,7 and 10. when the beis hamikdash stood it was a zechus for the goyim lehavdil, now the bnei tora are the ONLY zechus why Hash-em tolerates the anti-religious Zionist enterprise. In fact having any frum serve in the IDF is a bizayon and we must daven for them to do teshuva and join us in the beis medrash, which is the real Iron dome. Secondly it is mamosh an even bigger bizoyon having “Chareidi” ministers in the government of the Zionist enterprise. One cannot kasher something that is a nevela and the Zionist enterprise is that, may we see more ehrliche Yidden leave this tuma army.

  10. First of all all commenters should know that appearing at the IDF RECRUITMENT at age 18has nothing to do with serving in the army. That is when a ‘pitur’ (exemption) is requested.

    If this bochur was a full time Yeshiva student, appearing & filling out forms is the least confrontational action. realize there are many who love the riots, fights, semi-violence & their are donors who pay big bucks for this SHOW!!

  11. anybody that defends this is like moon from the un saying its only a natural reaction
    this “avreichim” belong in kollel learning, period
    if there is any issue with an individual let that person work it out

    the main thing is i should adopt this kollel
    since they are experts in nezikin

    this is what happens when you have too much time on your hands

    look it up in pirkei avos

  12. “They will say the Old Yishuv was there first and everyone else is a latecomer.”

    If that is the case, then all those that come to E”Y should follow the Sephardic derech, as the Sepharadim were there first.

    Furthermore, Sepharadim were first to America (comprising the majority for hundreds of years – until about 1830), which means that their derech should be followed in America as well.

    With that in mind, basically no Ashkenazi has kosher tefillin.

  13. To: yossie4731
    You sent me to “Pirkei Avos” . I went to “Pirkei Avos” and I found in the first “Perek” , the 6th “Mishna”, that there is a commandment in the “Torah”, giving people the benefit of the doubt.
    If I were to offer you $500 for every positive and good thought that went into their minds, moments prior to the riot, how many good and positive answers would you come up with?

  14. Why do they want to arrest some bacharim and not most? Obviously, they not fulfilled some technicalities like filling out forms. They are not grabbing boys off the street. There is no law saying these boys learning in yeshiva are to be drafted. So basically, they are arresting some boys here and there over neglected paperwork. There is no reason to overturn a car for this.

    I am against the draft of yeshiva bochurim and Chareidim in general. To begin with, the army is hishtadlus, however without protection from Hashem it is worth 0. In zchus of Torah, Hashem is on our side protecting us from our enemies. And those Chareidim who do serve in the army, I feel hakaros hatov, however with all of the immorality rampant in the Israeli army, the draft is a wrong idea. First the army should clean up their shmutz, and then we can talk about Chareidim contribution to army service.

  15. #1-
    THANK YOU!! Well said. I’m always angered when they refer to a criminal that happens to be a Chosid or someone enrolled in a Yeshiva as “Frum”
    If they were frum, they wouldn’t be doing those things.

  16. Personally, I’m not sure what ones religious stream has to do with anything here. If someone does not obey the law of the land, namely the “daft law”, he is in violation of the civil law whether a goy, Jew, hassidic, breslov, chabbad or conservative. Not agreeing with laws and starting civil disobedience is irrelevant as well. Charaedi life is not a state unto itself in Israel. Just the same, if a US Charaedi Jew if drafted, he would be in violation if he didn’t show up for service in the US why would a Jew expect anything different in Israel? I know plenty of heloni Jews who have avoided the Israeli draft, by using all types of means some honest and some dishonest. Truth be told the Torah and G-d require us to follow the “laws of the land” that are “placed over us” by heaven unless they are asking us to violate the Torah service to Hashem. For example if the government required us to eat pork and passed a law, then we are not required to follow it by the Torah. Fighting in the army to defend Israel can be seen as a mitzvah in that one is risking his life for a brother. In the zhus of that risk, their protected torah study will even go to his credit in some sense. Disobeying the law placed over us in Israel min hashamayim, risks judgement at the hands of heaven for resisting the G-d given authority…and yes sometimes G-d does appoint secular authorities to do His will for reasons we may not see clearly. If someone does not want to follow G-d given authority imposed on him which is not a violation of Torah, then he may simply choose to leave the country and opt for a different country where he does not have such obligations. Just the same a person can’t avoid paying taxes in Israel because he says it detracts from his ability to study Torah in that he must work harder outside his torah study to provide the same living for his family.

  17. It is very troubling to hear so many negative opinions. Firstly the only opinion that matters is the Torahs. The torah tells us about the arrangement of a Yissachar and a Zevulon. The torah tells us about Bnei Yisroel going out to War but not shevet Levi. The torah tells us that Shevet Levi only went out to a Milchemes Mitzvah. Hence you have what is going on now in Israel. These people are fighting for there very existence. Cars being overturned is not a way that bnei torah behave but very often it is one or two over zealous people who get out of control and not the bnei torah. The country is run by Jews but not torah observers and therefore the government cannot demand anything that the rabbis think endangers the holy torah. They truly believe that this will endanger all of klal yisroel. It is not a smart move on the governments part because they will perhaps win the battle they will never win the war. Name calling is not any better than the behavior of anyone out of control. We are all brothers and the world watches us. We need to be a light unto the other nations.


  19. #4- I’ve asked this question many times before and I’ll ask it again.

    Let’s assume that every single boy aged 18 to 20 is drafted (which wouldn’t happen, because there are always exemptions. But let’s assume it did). Are there NO people in E”Y that are 21+ and learn all day? Obviously, there are plenty. So why won’t THEIR Torah prevent missiles from exploding? Perhaps you can tell me exactly how many people must be learning full time to stop a missile.

  20. Yanky55: Excellent logic. But, In Hachi Nami, these charedim don’t want to serve in the army and they don’t want to work.

  21. Much wrong info as usual:
    1. Sefardim were the first settlers in Eretz Yisroel even before Talmedi haGra
    2. yishuv Hayashan have many diverse personalities like the Nationalistic Rivlin families
    3. Arab hatred began LONG BEFORE the Yishuv Hayashan.
    4. Many major Roshei Yeshiva of Mir, Chevron, Ponevich gave heterim to their talmidim who were LEAVING Yeshiva to serve in the IDF in some capacity.

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