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PHOTO: Knesset Speaker Recites Tehillim On Holocaust Memorial Day

Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein recites a perek Tehillim Monday, Holocaust Martyrs’ & Heroes’ Remembrance Day, in memory of the victims of the Nazi atrocities.

(“כי עליך הוֹרגנוּ כל היום, נחשבנו כצאן טִבחה; עורה למה תישן , א-דני, הקיצה אל תזנח לנצח…קומה עזרתה לנו ופדנו למען חסדךָ” …תהלים מ”ד)

4 Responses

  1. The tzionim ימ״ש first refused to help the Jews who were in the holocaust and even worsened the situation by inciting the Germans , now they cry crocodile tears in order to extort Europe for money,

  2. kj chusid,

    your words are eerily similar to those found on anti-Semitic websites. that may be your first siman that perhaps you ought to rethink this position you have been poisoned with.

  3. To #1: There was much more than just “refusing to help,” or “incitement.” There was outright collusion (such as the Kastner affair).
    To #2: regarding comments that are “eerily similar to those found on anti-Semitic websites?” Have you been reading some of the detestable, insidious comments against many frum Jews that have posted on YWN over the past few weeks? Openly calling for imprisonment without due process, for Israeli police to “take off the kid gloves,” and even to use live ammunition against them. That is not eerily similar. It’s identical. And these comments have appeared consistently for many weeks. Ah, there’s a “good reason” for posting such comments? Well, kj chusid didn’t even expose the tip of the iceberg on Kastner. For which you probably should be very glad.

  4. Mr. Edelstein is a frum immigrant to Israel from Russia so it is both irrational and unfair to tar him with the sins of the early Zionists, and to accuse him of hypocrisy. It is also a flagrant violation of various shmiras haloshon and other halachos.

    I am not sure how the comments of #1 and #3 are any better than the “detestable and insidious comments against frum Jews that have been posted here”.

    Yes, those comments were in fact detestable and insidious but you can hardly criticize them if you indulge in the same sins.

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