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Israel: Grandfathers Serving With Pride

At age 74, Doron Baruch has 14 grandchildren and a great-grandchild Baruch Hashem, but this does not prevent him from serving in miluim reserve duty in the IDF three times a year. His presence was noticeable at Monday’s award ceremony for outstanding IDF reservists.

The modest event was held in the President’s Residence in Jerusalem. In Doron’s case, he serves in the IDF’s Central Command, stationed along the Green Line, holding the rank of colonel. Those who serve with him insist his age is not a draw back, insisting he always pushes the younger reservists aside to do as much as possible.

This unique reserve duty unit was formed in 2001, made up of about 300 volunteers, most beyond the age of compulsory reserve duty. The unit’s commander is Lt.-Colonel Yimini Kahn, 57.

Schrage Lerner, 63, a grandfather of four, recently dealt with prostate cancer but this did not prevent him from serving. “They did not want to permit me to serve” he explained, “but I sent a letter and said if Olmert can serve as prime minister with prostate cancer, there is no reason I cannot serve in miluim”.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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