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Lapid Announces His Entry To The Israeli Politica Arena

Popular television host Yair Lapid on Sunday announced he is resigning from television to enter the political arena ,following in the footsteps of his father, Tommy Lapid.

The senior Lapid, who also began as a journalist, was the founder of the vehemently anti-religious Shinui Party, which earned 15 seats on its anti-chareidi platform. He served in the 15th and 16th Knessets, holding the cabinet portfolio of minister of justice.

Yair’s entry was applauded by the left and mainstream,even though many a political analyst predicts he will take seats from Kadima, Labor and Meretz. Israel Radio speaks of polls predicting that Lapid, who is identified with his ultra-secular platform, will earn between 15 and 20 mandates in the next general election.

The young Lapid is not announcing any plans just yet, but he does appear to be heading following in the path of his late father, who launched a new party rather than joining the lineup of an existing political party.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. He probably won’t take any seats from Likud UNLESS Feiglin somehow wins the Likud primary, and even then, those opposed to Feiglin will probably switch to Livni (whose party is, afterall, a breakaway from Likud). He might take some seats from Lieberman as well.

  2. OMG Yair in politics is not to anyone’s benefit.
    Rav Dovid Grossman of Migdal Haemek is the one exception in the Dati world who has a working relationship with him.

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