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UJCARE Launches The Sabainu Project: Distributes Over 200 Tons Of Food For Pesach

IMG_0054.jpg(Click HERE for photos) On Sunday, April 13th, UJCARE, the new premier community relations agency, representing communities throughout Williamsburg, Boro Park, Bayswater, Monsey and Monroe, launched its newest initiated, “Project SABAINBU” (which means “satisfy us”)”, and distributed over 200 tons of food for Pesach.

To the cynics who said it could not be done, and the disbelievers who called the reports of the event “vastly exaggerated”, Yechezkel (Chezky) Katz, Executive Director for UJCARE, confirmed the delivery of 10 trailer-loads (made possible by generous benefactors) that arrived between Wednesday and Sunday prior to the event.

When asked if “Super Sunday” was a success, Isaac Abraham, a community activist and Public Relations Coordinator for the event, replied, “NO!”  Success will be when there are no hungry mouths to feed”.

In the spirit of the Passover Hagadah, which reads, “Let all those who are hungry come and eat…”, SABAINU volunteers had the arduous task of assessing family needs and distributing vouchers at several locations the week before the event to insure that those who needed it most would get the necessary staples (including fruits, vegetables, grape juice and eggs) to celebrate the holiday to the fullest.

Rabbi Leib Glanz, Executive Vice President of UJCARE, took community leadership to a new level by joining the 57 volunteers on the front lines, to “schlep” produce and load cars.

A special “thank you” and “Hakoras Hatov” to the 25 members of the WSPU Shomrim Patrol – specifically to Yanky Itzkowitz WSPU Coordinator, and to Joel Witriol of the NYPD (and first Hasidic NYC police officer), for coordinating traffic and crowd control.

UJCARE is a not-for-profit organization representing and coordinating the efforts of grassroots community-based, citywide and statewide Jewish organizations.

UJCARE is an advocate for the needs of the poor, near-poor, working poor, underserved, underinsured, undereducated, elderly and recent immigrant, striving to alleviate the social, economic, housing, and related problems of these populations.

UJCARE helps to build, maintain, stabilize and preserve the infrastructure of neighborhoods with substantial Jewish population, as well as to preserve the dignity and quality of life of each community resident by assessing needs and bringing resources to those areas.

4 Responses

  1. UJCARE is leading with deeds that actually benefiting the community. I’m always skeptic when a new organization springs up, but UJCARE ought to be praised. The first thing I know, they’re feeding the poor, taking a leadership stand. It has captured my imagination.

    Go UJCARE Go.

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