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TERROR IN CHEVRON: IDF Soldier Shot Dead By Terrorist [UPDATED 8:10PM IL]


UPDATE 20:10: Disturbances were reported in two locations in Hebron following the fatal shooting attack earlier. PA (Palestinian Authority) residents confronted soldiers and targeted them in attacks, possibly to escalate the situation in the hope of the IDF canceling Sukkos events in the city.

UPDTE 20:00: As the wounded soldier HY”D was being evacuated by IDF chopper to the trauma center in Yerushalayim, the IDF commanders were working feverishly to evacuate thousands of visitors from the area, uncertain if additional gunfire was going to follow.

It appears that a single shot rang out, striking the soldier in his neck as was reported earlier. The IDF is working on the premise that a lone terrorist with a sniper rifle carried out the attack from the Jabil Jawar neighborhood.

Hebron leaders are announcing that the events planned for Monday, 19 Tishrei 5774, Chol Hamoed Sukkos, will take place on planned, calling on the tzibur at large to come to the holy city in a showing of solidarity following the fatal attack. The IDF is fortifying its force in the city ahead of Monday’s chol hamoed events.

UPDATE 19:50: The news of the murder of a second IDF soldier in less than 24 hours is spreading quickly as Eretz Yisrael’s Sukkos is diminished by the horrific news. In Hebron, soldiers are mobilized and involved in a manhunt for the terrorist. According to the information released from the terror attack scene, near the Ma’aras HaMachpelah, an Arab sniper is believed responsible for the gunfire that struck the soldier in his neck.

In other Arab violence, a soldier was injured lightly by rocks hurled at him near the Lion’s Gate to Jerusalem’s Old City. Earlier in the day, a bus traveling from Yerushalayim to Maale Adumim was attacked by Arabs hurling rocks as it pulled out of the capital. There were reports of smashed glass. B’chasdei Hashem there were no injuries.

UPDATE 19:48: The IDF soldier hit by gunfire near the Machpelah in Hebron earlier this evening has died of his injuries despite resuscitation efforts.

UPDATE 19:35: IDF authorities report that they are operating under the premise that the shooting was a terrorist attack. The trauma team at Shaare Zedek Hospital is continuing life-saving efforts.

The wounded soldier was one of the many IDF soldiers positioned in Hebron during chol hamoed to protect mispallalim coming to the holy city.

MK (Bayit Yehudi) Orit Struk, a veteran Hebron resident, released a statement “We are all being mispallel for the wounded soldier. It has been many years since we had a Yomtov during which one terror attack follows another. The cabinet must do a cheshbon nefesh regarding the release of terrorists, which leads to murderous terror attacks. At the very same time while the Arabs are trying to compromise the Yomtov and the Jewish community of Hebron, I am confident the response will be that even more Jews will decide to visit Hebron during the remainder of Yomtov.”


An IDF soldier was critically injured by terrorist gunfire in Hebron a short time ago. What appears to be sniper fire rang out near the Machpelah, striking the soldier.

The soldier is being transported to trauma unit of Shaare Zedek Medical Center in Yerushalayim as advanced life support is underway. He is in traumatic cardiac arrest due to being struck in the neck by gunfire.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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