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Menashe Kalifa Remains in Serious Condition

972.jpgMenashe [ben Shulamis] Kalifa, 41, was critically injured while trying to rescue a child from a Ramat Eshkol sewage pit in July. He remains comatose and is listed in serious condition. He was unsuccessful in saving the life of Rachel Sofer z”l, but he did not hesitate to enter the toxic environment to save another life.

After consultations, doctors at Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital last week decided to move him to Herzog Hospital, hoping to prevent him from contracting infection and realizing his condition is unlikely to change.

The daily HaMevaser reports Kalifa’s brother states Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat visited him, and promised his mayoral fund would assist the family, adding that to date, they received a one-time payment of NIS 2,800.

The family decries the city’s handling of the investigation, citing foot-dragging, adding if a city employee was injured and not Menashe, they are certain the situation would be handled entirely differently. The family thanks the Ramat Eshkol community which continues to do a great deal to assist, but adds this cannot take the place of official city aid on a regular basis, something that has been lacking since the tragic event.

Askan Rav Chaim Miller is involved, and he promises he will not permit city officials cover up the realities that led to the accident, which cost the young girl her life and leaves Kalifa in a comatose state.

City officials responding to the allegations state the family has receive considerable monetary and professional assistance, from social workers, and they are not alone.

Regarding the findings of investigators, city officials report the investigation is still ongoing.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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