Ben L

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  • in reply to: October Surprise #1892316
    Ben L


    It’s curious to me if Resident Trumo is really so bad why do people have to purposely lie about what he says?

    I watched the actual Press Conference, the whole thing.

    The President was asked a question, he then explained the question and what it was referring to. He then said he has no idea, he has not looked into it and he presumed the Democratic party had done it’s homework.
    He repeated he has no idea if the Newsweek editorial is true or not.

    The attempts to distort and attack him over this is just more evidence that yes the Mainstream Media is fake NEW.

    in reply to: Socialism OTD #1891130
    Ben L

    Actually if you would read the entire interview they explain exactly what they mean.

    They are trained in the theology .

    Ben L

    a) The American Healthcare system is currently design by Democrat policies that passed without any Republican votes whatsoever. So yes of course it’s a failure it tries to combine socialism with capitalism and succeeds at neither.

    b) Then vast majority of Brits may not complain about the NHS. Then again the vast majority of Brits are fine with limiting Healthcare to elderly while the Torah is decidedly not fine with it. They are also fine with encouraging certain children not to be born, again the Torah is not really fine with that. In other words much of the rationing that takes place is aimed at populations we value while they do not.

    c) In addition if you get a rare condition of disease your treatment options are vastly more limited in Britian then the USA. As someone who suffered from a rare neurological condition, I had firsthand experience with this. As my doctors basically said straight out in Socialist countries my treatments would not have been available.
    So yes for vast majority the NHS works, then again the vast majority do not really get terribly sick do they?

    d) Yes you were referring to a group of tiny countries compared to the USA. As I noted it is simply intellectually dishonest to compare single state countries to 50 state countries.

    e Yes those countries afford a safety net. So does the USA the programs I mentioned combine to form They were designed and implemented to ensure children do not starve. people get medical care, the elderly are taken care of.

    Is your contention that those programs have failed?

    Ben L

    Furthermore to state that in the US people are going hungry one must examine why so many Democrat policies have failed.
    a) Food Stamps
    b) Public Schools
    c) School Lunches
    d) Medicare & Medicaid
    e) Obamacare
    f) WIC
    g) Social Security
    h) Earned Income Tax Credit
    i) HUD
    The existence of all these policies combine to create what is known as the Social safety net and should ensure no child goes hungry or is homeless.

    Are you saying these socialist policies have failed?

    Ben L

    First off to state that Capitalism has failed is absurd.

    Capitalism has created one of the strongest economies in the history of the world.

    The average standard of living in the USA is so much higher then the rest of the world it’s a joke.
    You can look up the statistics if you do not believe it.

    To state that European that socialism has worked in European in countries is also blatantly absurd,
    a) Countries have collapsed or are nearing collapse because of it i.e Greece, the Yellow Jacket protests in France b) The US picks up much of that tab for certain thing in Europe such as defense & drug innovation which allows them in turn to spend more on social services (a fact President Trump is trying to change) .c) THere are tiny countries with abundant natural resources that go alot further then the natural resources of a country with 320 million people.

    To state the NHS works is basically ignoring reality.
    Check up what happens in England if your 70 year old grandfather needs dialysis. Check up the degree of rationing that takes place.

    And actually the wealthiest amonst us are the ones who stand the most to benefit from the impostion os Socialism.
    A socialist system requires minimum wages and price controls that create a high barrier of entry into the market place.

    In other words it becomes really hard and expensive to start a business.
    The only one who can are those with extreme wealth which is why in Socialist economies the rich tend to stay rich and the poor stay poor.

    So of course the rich like Buffet and Gates are pro-socialist policies you just ensured they have no competition!

    Ben L

    As for Refundable Tax Credits.

    Lets be clear what those are, instead of someone paying taxes they are given money from the government.

    That money comes from somewhere.

    That somewhere is someone else.

    So you are taking money that Paul earned to give Joe.

    That is called re-distribution.

    In simple terms the word is socialism.

    Now of course the justification for that is “The wealthy have enough”.

    In other words I have the ability to determine how much money is enough. And once I have determined that I have the ability to take the rest of their money.

    The basis of such thinking is a) Jealousy b) THe feeling that somehow your needs justify you taking from someone else.

    And from a practical matter it is simply wrong.

    The current Democratic economic proposals would hit the frum Jewish community hardest of all/

    We cannot use many of the services we are taxed into paying, yet the taxes make a middle class life un-affordable resulting in the need for numerous tzedakas for Yom Tov, Chasunahs etcc. Yet the higher tax cuts on the wealthy will dry p the source of funds for those tzedakas.

    Ben L

    TO say either political party really cares about anything other then power seems to me to be a stretch and there is a pretty specific MIshna in Pirkei Avos about exactly what the leaders of a country wish.

    That said.
    To say that President Trump signed a Tax Cut for the rich and not the poor is simply false.

    When I say false, I mean objectively false.

    If one wishes to state that more discounts went to what is termed rich, that would be true.

    However at the same time we should realize that the overwhelming majority of taxes are payed by the wealthy.

    In fact the poor already do not pay Income taxes in fact tax deadline is a money making time for a large part of America.

    How are you supposed to discount the taxes of those who do not pay taxes.?

    I also wonder how the passage of a bill that led to what is objectively one of strongest job markets in years the actual beginning of a raise in salaries across the spectrum and hundreds of thousands of unemployed individuals finally finding work able to be called anti-poor?

    in reply to: Despicable Middos of our Hero #1787237
    Ben L

    Actually GH
    Democrats who claim “morals” now are conveniently forgetting the Presidency of Bill Clinton. As well as the honored place he had in the party afterwards.

    Remember who gave the main address at Barack Obama’s second convention.

    They just ran that paragon of morality that is Bill Clintons official wife.

    And while the Man who is at the head of the Republican party may be one of questionable morals.

    The Democrat party advocates for policy’s that are flagrantly immoral by any moral code that existed prior to the last 5 years.

    in reply to: Despicable Middos of our Hero #1787238
    Ben L

    And in terms of “narrow agendas”.

    Voting for the current President is not because of a “narrow agenda” it is because Democrat party is a real and present danger to this country as a whole and Jewry in particular.

    They advocate policies that are dangerous in the extreme. They hesitate to condemn anti-semitism and equate the Jewish people in Israel defending themselves with those that send their children to blow up other kids.

    They wish to teach tolerance but of others while forcing those who have a store to act in violation of their heartfelt religious beliefs.

    They advocate forcing one to provide medication against their belief but allowing the murder of the unborn for no reason at all.

    I could go on but suffice it to say.
    The upcoming election is shaping up to be a choice between a immoral individual or a immoral and dangerous party.

    I choose the individual any day of the week.

    in reply to: Despicable Middos of our Hero #1786625
    Ben L

    Who ever said that Trump is our hero?
    I plan on voting for him.
    Their are things he does that I respect.
    I think he is the best option for the country at this time and for frum Jewry in particular.
    He is not my “hero” nor an example i point to for my children to admire.

    in reply to: Democrats/Libs #1784041
    Ben L

    I think the question here is what is more important.

    If the wish is to simply score a political point or avoid confronting an issue which may have an answer people do not like .
    Then yes
    Ban the guns!

    However if the issue is that we really wish to figure out why there are more and more mass shootings as time progresses then we would examine what changed from a time that there were less shootings.

    If we examine it that way then it really cannot be that “gun control” is the solution since it is way harder to purchase a gun now then it was before the shooting of Brady and the current gun control law started to be implemented.

    So again the question must be asked why now do people think that being “angry” is an excuse to start shooting up the place?

    in reply to: Democrats/Libs #1783751
    Ben L

    Are you trying to prove my point?

    in reply to: Democrats/Libs #1783184
    Ben L


    I was not arguing that point of whether or not “bombs” should be legal.

    I was pointing out the simple fact that statistics tell very little more then what those that commissioned them wish.

    Yes. The USA officially has the highest rate of mass shooting in the world.

    That statistic does not take into account that those that are using guns in the USA are using bombs in the Mideast or tucks in France.

    The question is not whether or not guns are more available in the USA then Mexico from a legal perspective.

    The question is whether you are safer in the USA or Mexico.
    And I am not arguing the point whether drugs should be legal or not (Though it is really hard for me to understand how the current Democrat position seems to be regulate Vapeing ’cause of something or the other but make marijuana legal)

    What I am pointing out is that making something “illegal” does not translate into making it disappear or be unavailable to those that wish to attain it.

    in reply to: Recession is all the Democrats fault! #1781055
    Ben L

    As the owner of a business that manufactures and imports products from China I can tell that you really get your economic new from NYT and liberal econ profs who have been wrong again and again and again i.e Paul Krugman the economic genius of the NYT when Trump became president.

    However facts are stubborn things.

    Personally i actually suffer from the current trade war, my prices have gone up and not all of them can be passed on to the consumer.

    However the facts are that the current trade imbalance with China has contributed to vast economic devastation in the USA there are whole industries that have virtually dissipated and moved to China and along with them are entire towns that have become virtual ghost towns.

    Aside from that the rampant intellectual theft by China has caused tens of billions of dollars in losses to US business.

    So while i personally may be negatively affected by it, I recognize that the President must do what is best for the country as a whole.

    Now granted China has not singularly destroyed all of the manufacturing sector, the unions who forced up wages and irresponsible jobs laws have contribution as well.

    However the Democrats simply did not care since there base is not comprised of white people out of work.
    Nor quite frankly did the country club Republicans who made their money in the finance sector which actually helped finance the current disaster,

    However Trump actually ran business that built things and produced products. He saw and understood what China had done to the working class and actually has put himself at risk to fix it.

    But the Dems really do not care about anyone but their base.

    If they did why not pass the current trade deal with Mexico & Canada that all are in agreement is vastly better then what NAFTA and the Dems are holding up.

    The answer is the Dems really care nothing for America it’s all about destroying Trump and if they need a recession to do so be it.

    in reply to: Democrats/Libs #1781059
    Ben L

    I really think that this whole gun control thing is a distraction that causes us to avoid confronting the bigger issue.

    55 years ago virtually none of the current gun laws were on the books , guns were much more readily available.
    In fat kids used cap guns and such freely.

    Yet the current mass shootings that are sadly becoming more and more common were also virtually non-existent.

    So the problem is not the lack of gun control laws.
    Rather it’s what changed so fundamentally in the culture that makes these things common.

    But I suspect that is conversation that will never be had because that the Dems must look at themselves since they control the systems for teaching and influencing the culture in America i.e the entertainment industry and public school system.

    Furthermore it is their policies that advocate further changing the make up of the nuclear family of that era that successfully raised a generation that at least valued life enough not to shoot up a school or workplace because they were “angry”.

    in reply to: Democrats/Libs #1775776
    Ben L

    The question to me seems absurd.
    It is illegal to kill somebody.
    It is really illegal.
    In some states you get the death penalty for it.
    Yet that does not seem to deter people with guns who from shooting others.
    But if it is more illegal to buy guns then they will refrain from breaking the law since they were law abiding citizens in the first place.
    and that has really worked in Chicago, Baltimore and other places.
    “cause we all know that nobody there has guns.

    in reply to: No blackface this Purim #1677896
    Ben L

    Part of Hatzneh Leshes is not drawing overt attention to oneself.
    While I may disagree strongly with the use of :”blackface” as a measuring stick for racism I do not think that there is even the slightest disagreement that wearing blackface in the current climate is ithe opposite of the principle of hatzneh leches.
    In addition we are in golus, v’hameivin yuvin.

    in reply to: Should The Rich Be Taxed? πŸ’ΈπŸš• #1677387
    Ben L

    and I fully reject the insulting argument put forth by the left that if you are against government spending on these things then you are against “education” and “helping poor people “/.

    One of the reasons I wish the government would stay out of my pocket is precisely because I would love to help poor people and support education something the government is horribly bad at.

    in reply to: Should The Rich Be Taxed? πŸ’ΈπŸš• #1677356
    Ben L


    I keep repeating that point because you fail to answer it.

    A Tax to lets say fund the military is not “redistribution” since a robust defense is needed by everyone and serves everyone about equally.

    On 911 the janitors and stockbrokers were equally targeted and equally in need of defense.

    The stewardesses on the planes that went down were targeted the same as those in first calls.

    The same for an interstate highway system of roads and bridges.

    However most forms of welfare are in fact redistribution.

    It is taxing wealthy people in order to take their money from them and redistribute it to poor people.

    There is no argument that if one would eliminate the “re-distributive” policies from the Federal budget there is more then enough money already being taxed to enable funding the parts of the Federal government that serve everybody.

    It is simply the re-distributive parts that are up for debate.

    So if you are for raising taxes on the wealthy to give to the poor, aside from the colossal waste that takes place (the most inefficient local Tzeddakah is far more efficient at this sort of the thing and make far better use of the money provided then the Federal government) then you are for redistribution.

    it does not help to say “I am against”.

    Call it what you wish.

    It’s semantics.

    You are pro-redistribution.

    Ben L

    I actually agree with CTL on this point.

    And in fact that is how the Founders of this country envisioned it being. The vast majority of governance would be done by citizen legislators who both knew what was best for their local community and had the personal investment to motivate them while the Federal government would mostly stay out of the way.

    Sadly if has been transformed in every way as the Federal government is fighting for an ever increasing role in every part of my life.

    in reply to: Should The Rich Be Taxed? πŸ’ΈπŸš• #1676393
    Ben L

    First I think you have a distorted view of Keynsian Economics.
    Keynsian economics is pro-stimulus but anti tax cuts.
    Keynsian Ecnomics believes that the government must pro-activley stimulate the economy by spending money.
    Incidentally Keynes was proving wrong twice once by FDR & the New Deal.
    For a decade FDR more or less spent as much money as possible, yet the country remained mired in recession leading Henry Morgenthau (his Treasury Secretary) to admit it did not work.
    Next was Obama who spent over a trillion dollars on a stimulus package that was supposed to wok and grow the economy.
    Sadly it let to the slowest growth in 50 years and no wage growth at all.
    Trump took office passed tax cuts, the economy started growing and wages picked up in ways that most economists on the left had said was impossible.
    So now they say it was started under Obama, It just ended up happening under Trump after he passed a law that they said would “devastate” the country.
    Somehow record law unemployment and rising wages is terrible. If it means wealthy people can actually keep more of their own money.

    in reply to: Should The Rich Be Taxed? πŸ’ΈπŸš• #1675774
    Ben L

    What it comes down to is pretty simple.
    Liberal Democrats are very priority driven.
    They have tons of priorities.
    However for some reason those heart felt convictions are not enough to get the to raise the money to support there own convictions.
    So they need to force me to pay for what they feel is important.

    in reply to: Should The Rich Be Taxed? πŸ’ΈπŸš• #1675773
    Ben L

    In addition to the questionable morality of this ,it actually raises Anti-Semitism.
    Take many towns and cities with large Jewish populations.
    Taxes are levied to pay for Public Schools.
    However the Public Schools are ran in such a way that it is impossible for me to send my child there.
    However the taxes levied are so high that there is simply not enough money left over for us to fund schools for our children.
    As such we are left to fight for any scrap we can get.
    i.e we pay taxes then fight to get money to bus our children to school.
    Yet non-jewish residents are left complaining about how much money Jews are taking back.
    All we want is to the ability to raise our orthodox jewish children in orthodox jewish schools.
    Confiscatory tax rates make that impossible to do without fighting for some (not even half ) of the money we work so hard to earn in order to be able to do that back!

    in reply to: Should The Rich Be Taxed? πŸ’ΈπŸš• #1675772
    Ben L

    Ct Lawyer.
    You make the perfect point
    You send extra money to your municipality to specifically support things that you feel worthy of your money.
    However in my Town we have Hatzolah.
    Hatzolah was started specifically because of the response time of the EMS systems.
    I feel that they are need. That they save lives.
    My community also has a large library with books and reading material that I find approproate for my children.
    I would never ever allow them into a Public Library without a really good reason and adult supervision.
    However operating a quality library takes money and as such I pay membership fees and others.
    In addition my local shuls have large seforim libraries, commonly know as a n “otzar seforim” which are needed for my continuing Jewish education.
    TOgether these 3 things are just part of an infrastructure that I consider to be essential to raising a proper Jewish family.
    I do not need nor care for the local Public Library.
    Admittidley it serves a limited purpose but it’s limited purpose is demonstrably smaller then the purpose of the Jewish Libraries.
    The same goes for EMS.
    Now while B’H i make a nice living it is not nearly enough on it’s own to fund any of these expensive and time consuming endeavors (you would be surprised as to how much time and money it takes to fund a good library)
    Thankfully my wider community also thinks of these things as necessities.
    As such there is enough money contributed to fund all 3 of them .
    That is our communal choice and it is the voluntary choice of the community to fund these things which to us are priorities.
    However I suspect that most of the decision makers in the State and Federal government do not view these things as priorities..
    As such they will raise taxes to fund what they consider to be “arts”.
    In other words they legally take away money we earned to support our families and communities.
    To fund what they consider “arts”.

    in reply to: Should The Rich Be Taxed? πŸ’ΈπŸš• #1675099
    Ben L

    To CT Lawyer
    I fail to see how I am misrepresenting your views.
    You have stated explicit support for candidates running on a platform of raising taxes.
    I.e taking more of other peoples money.
    You have stated this is a main reason that you support them.
    In other words you have expressed support for the idea that one should be generous with other peoples money.

    TO Neville
    If I I work and earn money then how and by what right does it belong to you?

    in reply to: Should The Rich Be Taxed? πŸ’ΈπŸš• #1674559
    Ben L

    From a religous perspective.
    It’s fairly basic understanding that Jewish education is a must. Public for the overwhelming majority of orthodox jews is simply not an option.
    So incredibly an entire network of schools have been created.
    Yet tuition barely covers half the budget of most of our schools.
    In addition to that we have shuls.
    We have Camps.
    We have Chesed organizations.
    All of these cost money.
    And they are supported by wealthy individuals.
    What would happen if all of a sudden those wealthy individuals would be paying 70% taxes>
    Hint: One of the most famous cases against the New Deal was Shuster.
    It was a Kosher butcher suing the government because New deal policies made it impossible to run a kosher slaughtering company.
    If you think there is a tuition crisis now, wait till there is attempts at imposing 70% tax rates on the wealthy individuals giving tens of millions of dollars

    in reply to: Should The Rich Be Taxed? πŸ’ΈπŸš• #1674548
    Ben L

    And from a purely observational standpoint.
    I wonder lets see if you gave a thousand dollars to Tomchei Shabbos and 1000 dollars to the government both with the express purpose of helping the less fortunate.
    Who would put the 1000 dollars to more efficient use?

    in reply to: Should The Rich Be Taxed? πŸ’ΈπŸš• #1674543
    Ben L

    I recall that when I was in eigth grade my Rebbi ( who was quite poor) told us how in the non-jewish worl RObin Hood is praised becuase He stole from the rich and gave to the poor”.
    Yet in Yiddishkeit he would be called a “ganaf” simply put he stole and the poor people who wanted rich peoples money are called “jealous”.
    in Yiddishkeit jealousy is not praised, to put it mildly.
    Another thing I recall from history is that Benjamin Franklin stated “democracy will only work until poor people start realizing they can tax rich people to get their money.

    in reply to: The Killing of Nahal Haredi Soldiers and the Anti Draft Protests #1653734
    Ben L

    Can we get a couple of things clear?
    Fact 1: Combat service even in Tzhal is completley voluntary if a draftee does not wish to serve in a combat position they do not.
    As such it is ludicrous to state that someone was forced to serve in combat zones because of chareidim .

    Fact 2: THe Medinat Yisrael was founded upon several compromises with the chareidim one of which was that yeshiva bochrim would not be forced to serve in the army. If the chilonim had not agreed the chareidim were willing to publicly disavow the founding of the Medina similarly to Neturei Karta of the time. The chilonim agreed thinking that the yeshiva world would eventually disintegrate. The opposite has happened =, the chiloni youth actively try to get out of the army, in fact many of them try to get out of the country while the Yeshivas have boomed.

    Fact 3: There are more then enough fervently dati leumi who believe that the founding of the Medina is aschalta dgeula they do not just serve in the Army they relish the opportunity for they feel it is a Mitzvah that brings Moshiach. That chinuch is completely the opposite of chareidim who believe the state should never have been founded and in fact is ossur because of the shalosh shevuos.

    in reply to: Election Results 2018 — Republicans Do Better Than Expected #1620396
    Ben L

    Actually not.
    The overwhelming majority of people with pre-existing conditions are people such as myself I had insurance and then was diagnosed.
    I was protected before the ACA and would continue to be protected if it was re-pealed.

    The !30 million people that Nancy Pelosi talked about protecting during her Victory speech are a bald faced lie.

    There were a small amount of people who never had coverage and were diagnosed.
    The ACA forces insurance companies to offer them coverage at exact same price as a customer who had continuous coverage for years.

    Those people have no penalty, no fine and no added cost.

    That is what is one of the main drivers of cost and is patently ridiculous as. well as is the cause of millions of healthy Americans not being able to purchase insurance

    in reply to: Election Results 2018 — Republicans Do Better Than Expected #1620340
    Ben L

    Obama’s lie is not glossed over and he acknowledged it and did apologize exactly 5 years ago- β€œI am sorry that they are finding themselves in this situation based on assurances they got from me,” he told NBC News in an exclusive interview.

    Obama passed HealthCare “reform” by lying not about more then a single component.
    Rather he lied about the entirety of the Bill.

    Lie 1: He claimed pre-existing conditions were not covered.
    That is patently false, as I wrote above. Even before the ACA as long as one could prove continuous coverage the provider could not deny them coverage.

    That in fact is what happened to me.

    I had switched health plans shortly before I got sick and my provider had me prove that i had continuos coverage. When I did they actually paid out over a million dollars for my care.

    Lie 2: Republicans were unjustly promoting fear and lying about the bill.
    They were not.
    Virtually all claims from it’s opponents were proven correct.

    Lie 3: The ACA will cut the costs of health care by 2400 dollars
    That was proven laughable, the real costs ballooned for everybody to the point that Middle Class Americans who make to much to qualify for government programs simply cannot afford insurance at all.

    Lie 4: If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor.
    Again laughably false and the one untruth that Obama copped to once.

    So Obama lied and demonized to pass a partisan bill that actually had bi-partisan opposition in the House of Representatives and made life significantly worse for millions of Americans and yet it is President Trump who the media says is a liar?

    in reply to: Election Results 2018 — Republicans Do Better Than Expected #1620236
    Ben L

    Thank you for you comment about my recovery.
    However I am not healthy now it the conventional sense.
    I have ongoing side effects and require constant monitoring.
    So for me this Health Care debate is very very real with real world consequences.
    It is precisely my first hand experiences with the US health system that forces me to vote Republican because the democratic health care proposals are dangerous int he extreme.
    That is not politics of fear, it is simply acknowledgment of reality.

    in reply to: Election Results 2018 — Republicans Do Better Than Expected #1620234
    Ben L

    That is not the apology I would expect.
    Rather I would expect an apology that goes something like this.
    I apologize to the Republican conference and the many conservative pundits.
    It was wrong of me to constantly demonize them and accuse them of fear mongering.
    In fact they were simply telling the truth about the inevitable consequences of this bill.
    It was not the “politics of fear”.
    Rather the politics of reality

    in reply to: Election Results 2018 — Republicans Do Better Than Expected #1620202
    Ben L

    Now I can understand how as a country there can be a moral imperative to ensure coverage availability for all.

    However I cannot understand how my Health Insurance is the same as a Healthy person?

    I can understand why it cannot be the “full cost” of my continued care.
    That would be simply out of reach for all but the wealthiest person who gets sick.
    But why can it not be that Insurance companies are allowed to charge more, say up to 25% ,based on a sliding income scale, for those who have serious pre-existing conditions?

    Yes it would be greater costs for the 5% of Americans who consume 50% of the health care in this country.
    But guess what.
    Doctors cost money.
    Medicine cost money.

    And it is simply unaffordable for the vast majority of Americans to subsidize others Health Care in it’s entirety.

    And such a income scale would ensure that all could afford Health Care.
    And it would bring down the cost of Insurance for those in the middle class who are healthy and currently cannot afford Health insurance at all.

    in reply to: Election Results 2018 — Republicans Do Better Than Expected #1620198
    Ben L

    THe Dems now keep claiming falsly that only the ACA ensures coverage for pre-existing conditions.
    That is also blatantly false.

    I know because I was diagnosed and hospitalized before passage of the bill.

    If one can prove to have had continuous coverage it was illegal for Insurance companies to deny coverage because of pre-existing conditions.

    That was true before the bill passed.

    What the bill does allow is that someone could not have had coverage can go to the Doctor be diagnosed with a horrible illness walk outside call a health insurance provider and get coverage.

    The same coverage as a healthy person.
    There is not even a penalty involved.

    in reply to: Election Results 2018 — Republicans Do Better Than Expected #1620197
    Ben L

    I also for the life of me do not understand how Donald Trump is called a liar and Barack Obama is simply glossed over.

    Barack Obama campaigned hard for the ACA he claimed if it passed you could keep your Doctor
    That was false as everyone who had an inkling of economics knew and repeatedly pointed out.
    Instead of admitting it he accused them of fear mongering.

    He stated that the ACA would cut the average cost of Health Insurance by 2400$.
    That was false

    Again it was pointed out that it was impossible.
    Again he accused Republicans of fear mongering rather then admitting to his repeated falsehoods.

    His falsehoods passed a bill that cost Americans thousands of dollars a year.
    Di he ever apologize?

    in reply to: Election Results 2018 — Republicans Do Better Than Expected #1620192
    Ben L

    It’s curious how people think it’s the Dems that are taking care of pre-existing conditions.
    In fact it’s the opposite the Dems are really dangerous for the medical care of the entire USA.

    You see I have a pre-existing condition. A really serious one that at first required a 3 week hospitilaztion and yearly follow ups and tests.

    I was also misdiagnosed at first in a local hospital and it almost cost me my life.
    After I was rushed to a major Manhattan hospital a team of really good Doctors figured out what my rare condition was and treated it. Boruch Hashem.

    However the one of the main Doctors called in to my case was recruited out of Israel.

    He came here because in the socialized Israeli Healthcare system he could make nothing while in the USA he could.
    That is how many of the top Doctors wind up here.

    My case is anecdotal but it reflects a reality that has been documented.

    There is a Doctor shortage, a chief reason for it is because to become a top doctor is hard and requires over a decade of study.

    It’s also expensive, one of my Doctors graduated Columbia over 1 million dollars in debt!

    He told me very frankly he works hard making life or death decisions every day . His love of medicine is enough to compensate for the fact he is making less then Wall Street tycoons, but only because he is still making a nice amount of money doing what he does.

    If he started making what Doctors in socialized medicine were making he is out.

    That is the reality of socialized medicine it is cheap. It is equal.

    It’s like Communism.
    Communism ensured everyone was equal .
    They were all equally poor.

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