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  • in reply to: OU kashrus is not reliable? #1214281

    If you are all concerned with a REAL kashers problem check out this weeks issue of mishpacha and find out what goes on at some kosher catered events

    in reply to: OU kashrus is not reliable? #1214267


    1. Learn some middos, insulting other peoples learning abilities and an entire kashrus organization is inappropriate.

    2. Even if you are correct, and the OU is questionable, going in the coffee room to vent is not the proper venue. I see you say that you called the OU, very nice, but did you speak with your own Rav before labeling the largest kashrus organization in the world treif? Have you ever met anyone affiliated with the OU? I have met several of the rabbeim and asked my questions to them directly, I didn’t hide behind a phone and talk to whoever mans the phones.

    ” People who wait 1 or 3 are not concerned with those rishonoim, and are merely being machmir within the opinion that you just need to bench and wash again.”

    Do me a favor why don’t you go to washington heights, clap on the bima of breurs and tell them that their all over on the aveira of baser vchalov. Then while your at it, why don’t you stop by lakewood yeshiva and tell them the same thing, since Im sure you know they don’t wait a full six hours,

    I am no talmid chacham, but one thing i am good at is spotting sincerity. PBA you lack it. You claim to be such a yeira shamayim but you spend your time attacking other Jews in the coffee room. Do me a favor instead of responding this and insulting me by calling me a moron or something, talk to your rabbi or open a sefer and learning something. I know ill be learning for you.

    in reply to: Funny Shidduch Questions Asked About a Boy/Girl/Family #914021

    apushatayid- that’s what he always says. Apparently they have enough free time to drill my references and give them the third degree, but not enough time to go out on a simple date.

    in reply to: Funny Shidduch Questions Asked About a Boy/Girl/Family #914018

    I dont think personality is throwing darts all the time. Im just saying some people are louder than others, some are more reserved etc.

    as for funny questions asked about me:

    Caller: Is he frum

    Reference: I dont know are you frum?

    Caller: what do you mean, I live in Lakewood?

    Reference: So you can be left wing lakewood medium lakewood

    I think the caller got the point.

    Another time a caller asked if I was holy. Holy is not a word i use to describe many people, and probably nobody under the age of 60.

    Of course what I love is when the girls ask, so you think hes for me?

    My reference always responds – I dont know you.

    in reply to: Do You Belong To A "Shushing" Shul? #797891

    max well your critique is irrelevant. YOu are telling a bunch of frum jews they cant go to a reform place of worship, I think we all know that.

    That being said, I grew up in a conservative shul and contrary to what you all believe, they talk during davening as well. We would constantly shush people and my father who was the head usher occasionally asked people to leave. I also went to shul every friday night and shabbas day for about 11 years before i switched to an orthodox shul. I had a better track record of making shabbas davening than a whole lot of “orthodox” Jews do.

    Ironically when I was in college i was nervous about switching to the orthodox minyan because i had been told it was a very serious place and i didnt want to show up late and possibly talk a little.

    in reply to: Musical Chairs and Shidduchim #694109

    The herem still applies, it was renewed.

    That being said, lemme get this straight, a guy dates and dates and dates, never finding a girl he clicks with. After going on countless numbers of dates he finally meets one he likes and she agrees to marry him.

    They get married and he thinks he left the horrors of shidduch dating behind him, but no. He has to do it all over again.

    Only this time instead of giving references for himself and his family, he has to give references for his wife and her family.

    If you think people asked a lot of questions before, now youd never get them off the phone

    in reply to: Funny Shidduch Questions Asked About a Boy/Girl/Family #914009

    Why don’t people ask questions about personality? It’s a lot harder to find someone who you click with then it is to find a pretty girl or someone who went to the right yeshiva/seminary.

    in reply to: Funny Shidduch Questions Asked About a Boy/Girl/Family #913990

    aside from the stupid questions, don’t people realize it is gezel zman?

    I remember one such girl called my reference, spoke for half an hour with him and then agreed to go out with me. I turned her down in about 10 seconds because she lived a few states away and for some other reasons. She didnt bother to ask my reference once during the half hour conversation if I would travel for a date.

    Another person once called and spoke to my reference for half an hour after which the girl wouldnt go out with me. I guess she liked my reference more than me.

    Apparently it is also common to not give your name when you are calling about someone. That’s just rude. It’s one thing not to give the girls name but if you are asking someone to talk to you show some derech eretz and give your name

    in reply to: Buying at a Jewish shop vs. a Non-Jewish shop #690902

    heres what bothers me. In my neighborhood there is a non Jewish liqour store who has a large supply of kosher liquors and wine and has been around for a number of years. He has a loyal customer base and has always been polite to his customers.

    A few years ago a Jew opened a “kosher” liquor store. What bothers be is I feel like we now have to go to this Jewish guy and shop at his store. Additionally I dont like the idea of a kosher liquor store since there is no hashgacha on the place and there are legitimate shailas about the kashrus of all the bottles of liquor in the store.

    Additionally when I buy wine i dont want to be bothered. I go to the nonJewish guy i find a cheap bottle and i pay for it and leave.

    It seems like every time i go to the Jewish guy if i pick a bottle he tries to sell me a different bottle which is a few dollars more.

    I am not a wine connoisseur, Im just getting a bottle to be nice and i dont think my shabbas host cares if i spent $12 or $16 on a bottle

    in reply to: Who are the Quiet Girls Supposed To Marry? #897347

    i agree with simcha man. I’m not a dentist, I dont enjoy pulling teeth on dates.

    I understand some people are quiet but on a date i someone asks you a question you have to open up. A good idea might be to buy a book of questions, this is useful for talkative people as well because everyone has awkward pauses and certain questions can give you a great insight into someone.

    in reply to: Rabbi Robert’s Yeshiva in Teaneck, NJ #673971

    I dont know Rabbi Roberts but I know his brother. If he is anything like his brother than I would agree that he is most likely a genuinely nice sincere caring man and I would guess the bachurim are yeshivish but worldy and down to earth

    in reply to: Funny Shidduch Stories #1227286

    im thin as a rail and i love cake. how come no one ever offers me any on dates?

    in reply to: Dating Someone You’ve Already Dated #674825


    i had a similar situation happen about a month ago. There was a girl i dated a few years ago and without my asking a different shadchan re-redt her to me again. I was excited because I figured maybe she changed her mind. Guess what, she didnt. However I finally got closure. Even if this girl says no to you again you will need the closure. Otherwise it’s possible you may miss out on an amazing girl because in the back of your mind you are hoping she will reconsider. Don’t ask to early though. I think at least 6 months

    Either way good luck

    in reply to: Funny Shidduch Stories #1227282

    I used to work with a single girl who was also in the parsha. Against my better judgment we became friendly and occasionally we would text each other. I realized I kinda liked her but we were past the shadchan stage so I would have to ask her out myself. I was all prepared to ask her out the next day when she texts me the question “do you like me,?” Im shocked by her bluntness and forthrightness so I try to dodge the question to no avail but eventually I say yes. She replies that it wasn’t such a tough question and we say goodnight.

    The next day I figured she would be different at work. Either very excited to see me or extremely awkward, but she was neither. I’m quite perplexed so I figure I just have to ask her after work how she feels.

    I ask her and she is absolutely stunned that I am asking her. Now I’m even more confused so I remind her that she asked me if I liked her last night.

    Now she’s confused, she has no memory of asking me any such question.

    So you probably are thinking her friend or sibling was using her phone- NOPE.

    Turns out she was taking medication for insomnia. Some of the side effects of her medication were hallucinations and amnesia. She was basically hallucinating when she originally asked me if I liked her and she had total amnesia about the incident.

    We went out 1 time and unfortunately I’m still single but Baruch Hashem it didnt work out with her.

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