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  • in reply to: Composed Songs #713835
    d a

    tomim tihye, your nuts!!!

    in reply to: General Shmooze 3 #902688
    d a

    “Goodnight everyone I’m going to sleep!” HIE you said something…

    in reply to: General Shmooze 3 #902683
    d a

    Guys, I’m so sorry! I was watching something and couldnt schmooze. Maybe tomorrow night! See ya then!

    in reply to: General Shmooze 3 #902679
    d a

    wow! 80 that was a VERY smart idea!

    in reply to: Number of Participants in the Coffee Room #921465
    d a

    HIE, you said “This isn’t for comments just say me” on the fourth post of this thread. Now look what your doing!

    in reply to: Less Then Four Weeks Away (YIKES) #1009278
    d a

    very good, it sounds like a Kollel line, kollelboy!

    in reply to: Less Then Four Weeks Away (YIKES) #1009276
    d a

    if you like them, i can post more but i need other people to help me out!

    in reply to: Less Then Four Weeks Away (YIKES) #1009274
    d a

    More tips to keep KIDS ROOMS clean:

    Removing Stickers:

    If you remove as much of the sticker as possible, you can remove the rest with a little Ben Gay ointment and a blow dryer set on the low heat setting. Also works on carpet.

    Other products that have been known to remove stickers include WD-40, Oops brand latex paint remover, De-Solve, fingernail polish remover, rubbing alcohol and even peanut butter!

    Cleaning Stuffed Animals:

    Put kids’ stuffed animals inside a pillow case, tie a knot in it and wash them in the washing machine.

    You can also freshen the animals by placing them in a paper sack with baking soda and shaking them up good.

    If the animal is stuffed with natural fibers it should not be immersed in water, but can be wiped off with a soapy cloth, followed by a clean wet cloth.

    Make sure the animal doesn’t have torn seams before you put it in the washing machine.

    Look for plastic parts before tossing a stuffed animal in the dryer.

    Make sure the animal doesn’t have a “sound box” or other mechanical parts before you put them in the washing machine and dryer.

    Helping Kids Stay Uncluttered:

    Put away half of your kids’ toys and switch them around every few months. They’ll have plenty to play with and their room will stay cleaner.

    Label boxes, baskets, milk crates, plastic tubs – anything they might store toys in – to teach them how to sort toys and keep them off the floor. Let the kids decorate the containers they use so they will be personal and fun.

    Set a short period of time each day or each week that kids have to straighten up their room. Make a game out of it with a timer and give rewards to all kids for jobs well done. It will become a good habit and they’ll have fun.

    Get the kids to go through their toys periodically and pick out some things that they don’t play with anymore. Pack them up and take them somewhere where there are kids who don’t have enough toys.

    Put bookshelves in every available place where the kids can stack their toys, books, etc. Anything to keep the floor clean.

    Teach kids good cleaning habits by being neat and tidy yourself. Hanging up clothes and putting things away after you use them sets a good example.

    Assign specific chores to kids and set a limit on when the chore has to be done.

    Put hooks and pegs on the backs of room door and on the insides of closet doors for quick hangups when the kids come in.

    Let the kids do some “adult” clean up jobs. Sometimes loading the dishwasher or helping mom clean up after a baking session is fun, especially for smaller children and it teaches good habits.

    Let kids listen to whatever they want to while they are cleaning. A little noise will be worth a clean room!

    Assign each child a towel and make sure they hang it up every day. This saves unnecessary washing.

    in reply to: Less Then Four Weeks Away (YIKES) #1009273
    d a

    To start myself off, here are some cleaning tips:

    Coffee Stains:

    To remove a coffee stain from fabric or a rug, try one of these methods:

    Dip a white cloth into a beaten egg yolk and rub the yolk into the stain. Then rinse with clear water.

    Work denatured alcohol into the stain, then rinse with water.

    Apply a solution of 1/2 teaspoon mild detergent in a pint of water. Blot with a white towel. If the stain remains, apply a 50-50 solution of water and white vinegar and blot.

    Cleaning Kitchen Countertops:

    Use a mild dishwashing liquid for plastic lamination and rinse well afterwards to prevent residue from getting on food.

    Cleaning Vinyl Floors:

    Mop with a mild detergent and wait awhile to allow it to penetrate the ground-in dirt.

    Cleaning Safety Tip:

    Don’t mix cleaning products like ammonia and bleach. They can be toxic.

    Cleaning with Automatic-Dishwasher Detergent:

    Automatic-dishwasher detergent works well on refrigerators, stoves, floors, walls and glass.

    Dissolve 1/4 cup in one gallon of very hot water.

    Wipe with a dry cloth afterward.

    Wear rubber gloves and test first to make sure that what you’re cleaning is colorfast.


    Use the bartender’s method for speedy stemware washing. Holding the base, pump the glass vigorously in very hot sudsy water, then quickly put it in hot clear water (cooler water may shatter it) Dry upside down on a cotton towel.

    For extra-shiny, streakless glasses, add a little vinegar or borax to the final rinse water.

    If glasses have hard-water stains, rub them with a scouring pad dipped in vinegar.

    Never use hot water, harsh soaps, ammonia or washing soda on silver or gold-rimmed glasses.

    A well-lathered shaving brush cleans deeply etched or hobnailed glass especially well.

    If eggs have dried on your patterned glass tableware, rub off the residue with a slice of lemon.

    Storing Leftovers:

    When storing leftovers in the refrigerator, use old butter tubs and cottage cheese containers. When its time to clean out the refrigerator you can discard the entire container. You won’t have a spilled mess in the garbage can or a sink full of dirty dishes.

    To remove water spots on stainless steel, rub area with a clean, soft cloth dampened with white vinegar. Then wipe dry to avoid spots.

    Heel Marks:

    Use a pencil eraser on black heel marks.

    Dishwasher Soap Film:

    Run a cup of white vinegar through the entire dishwashing cycle in an empty dishwasher to remove all soap film.

    Refrigerator Odors:

    A little vanilla poured on a piece of cotton and placed in the refrigerator will eliminate odors.

    After cleaning the refrigerator add a dash of lemon extract to the rinse water for a fresh scent.

    Stuck on Food:

    For stuck on food on a casserole dish, try adding 2 tablespoons of baking soda and boiling water to cover the stuck on food. Let sit for a while. The dish will be much easier to clean.

    in reply to: Jokes #1200980
    d a

    What happened, Purim just ended and NOBODY has any jokes, costumes, stories? As Hashem Is Everywhere said in “another” thread, “CR is dead!”!!! (don’t remind me of last night!)

    in reply to: Ipad #675923
    d a

    Just letting you know that the keynote video on Apple’s website is ah shtickle long and is not 100% tzniusdik

    in reply to: The Funniest Purim Costume #999720
    d a

    did you have any shtarke costumes?

    in reply to: Jokes #1200978
    d a

    The following jokes were taken from BoysLife.org, the web site for the boys’ magazine affiliated with the Boy Scouts of America. Jokes were submitted by boys from around the US.


    A man comes into a hardware store and says to the salesman, “I would like a trap, and please hurry. I have to catch a bus.”

    The salesman says, “I’m sorry, sir. We don’t make them that big.”


    One day Max went to see Carl. Carl had a big swollen nose.

    “Whoa, what happened, Carl?” Max asked.

    “I sniffed a brose,” Carl replied.

    “What’s a brose?” asked Max.

    “A flower.”

    “What?” Max said. “There’s no ‘b’ in rose!”

    Carl replied, “There was in this one!”

    Submitted by Charlie H., Homer Glen, Ill


    Bob: What do you get when you cross a pair of trousers with a dictionary?

    Tom: I don’t know. What?

    Bob: Smarty pants!

    Submitted by Adam P., Wichita, Kan.


    Drew: What do you get when you mix a CD and a pillow?

    Chad: Beats me.

    Drew: Software.

    Submitted by Clark D., Evans, Ga.


    Jim: I just got a watch for my sister.

    Joe: I wish I could make a trade like that!

    Submitted by Bryan D., Taylorsville, Utah


    Pedro: What do you get when you cross an elephant with a fish?

    Pee Wee: What?

    Pedro: Swimming trunks!

    Submitted by Jake P., Omaha, Neb.


    Ben: Where does sour cream come from?

    Ian: Beats me.

    Ben: Discontented cows!

    Submitted by Keith K., Portsmouth, Va.


    Cleopatra: What do you call a Roman boa constrictor?

    Mark Antony: “Julius Squeezer!”

    Submitted by Brandon R., Glen Alpine, N.C.


    A vacuum cleaner salesman told a farmers wife, “Ma’am, if this doesn’t pick up every speck of dirt in your house, I’ll eat what’s left.”

    The lady handed him a spoon and said, “O.K. We don’t have electricity.”


    Jackson: What happens when you cross a duck and a rooster?

    Dylan: I don’t know.

    Jackson: You get woken up at the “quack” of dawn!


    A puny guy applies for a job as a lumberjack.

    “Sorry,” says the head lumberjack, eyeing the man up and down. “You’re just too small.”

    “Give me a chance to show you what I can do,” the guy pleads. “You won’t regret it.”

    “O.K.,” says the boss. “See that giant oak over there? Let’s see you chop it down.”

    Half an hour later, the mighty oak is felled, amazing the boss.

    “Where’d you learn to cut trees like that?” he asks.

    “The Sahara Forest.”

    “Don’t you mean the Sahara Desert?”

    in reply to: Jokes #1200976
    d a

    Dr. Jones goes to the mentalo institution for his monthly rounds. He sees Joe and asks him, “Joe, how much is three times three?”

    Joe responds “59.”

    He goes over to Tom and asks, “Tom, how much is three times three?”

    Tom responds, “Wednesday.”

    He finally goes over to John and asks, “John, how much is three times three?”

    “NINE” replies John.

    “That’s right …now how did you come to that answer?”

    “It was easy…I just subtracted 59 from Wednesday!”

    in reply to: Jokes #1200975
    d a

    “Doctor, doctor, I’ve swallowed the film from my camera.”

    “We’ll just have to wait and see what develops.”


    “Doctor, doctor, I keep thinking I’m a clock.”

    “OK, just relax. There’s no need to get yourself wound up.”


    “Doctor, doctor, I keep thinking I’m a dog.”

    “Sit down and tell me all about it.”

    “I can’t, I’m not allowed on the furniture.”


    “Doctor, doctor, I’ve lost my memory.”

    “When did this happen?”

    “When did what happen?”


    “Doctor, doctor! There’s an invisible man in the waiting room.”

    “Well, tell I can’t see him right now.”


    Patient: Doctor, doctor, I wake up one day and see Mickey Mouse in front of my eyes and wake up the next day and see Donald Duck in front of my eyes.

    Doc: I see, and how long have you had these Disney spells?


    Patient: Doc, will I be able to read with these glasses?

    Doc: You sure will.

    Patient: That’s great! I never could read before.


    Doctor: “It’s no good. I can’t find anything wrong with you. It must just be the effects of drinking.”

    Patient: “I’ll come back when you’re sober then!”


    Larry: I keep seeing little black spots before my eyes.

    Harry: Have you seen a Doctor yet?

    Larry: No, just little black spots.


    Doctor: We need to get these people to a hospital!

    Nurse: What is it?

    Doctor: It’s a big building with a lot of doctors, but that’s not important now!


    Doctor: Nurse, how is that little boy doing, the one who swallowed ten quarters?

    Nurse: No change yet.


    Patient: My hair keeps falling out. What can you give me to keep it in?

    Doctor: A shoebox.


    Patient: Doctor, should I file my nails?

    Doctor: No, throw them away like everybody else.

    in reply to: Jokes #1200974
    d a

    If you ever testify in court, you might wish you could have been as sharp as this policeman. He was being cross-examined by a defence attorney during a felony trial. The lawyer was trying to undermine the police officer’s credibility …..

    Q: ‘Officer — did you see my client fleeing the scene?’

    A: ‘No sir. But I subsequently observed a person matching the description of the offender, running several blocks away.’

    Q: ‘Officer — who provided this description?’

    A: ‘The officer who responded to the scene.’

    Q: ‘A fellow officer provided the description of this so-called offender. Do you trust your fellow officers?’

    A: ‘Yes, sir. With my life.’

    Q: ‘With your life? Let me ask you this then officer. Do you have a room where you change your clothes in preparation for your daily duties?’

    A: ‘Yes sir, we do!’

    Q: ‘And do you have a locker in the room?’

    A: ‘Yes sir, I do.’

    Q: ‘And do you have a lock on your locker?’

    A: ‘Yes sir.’

    Q: ‘Now why is it, officer, if you trust your fellow officers with your life, you find it necessary to lock your locker in a room you share with these same officers?’

    A: ‘You see, sir — we share the building with the court complex, and sometimes lawyers have been known to walk through that room.’

    The courtroom EXPLODED with laughter, and a prompt recess was called.

    in reply to: Composed Songs #713831
    d a

    to asdfghjkl, I hope I didn’t offend you. I was very hyper. I am sorry. Please be mochel me.

    in reply to: CR is dead! #675906
    d a

    smartcookie, your right! I’m sorry to you too (although I didn’t post my e-mail, your still right, I shouldn’t of asked) Have a great night CR see ya tomorrow!

    in reply to: CR is dead! #675905
    d a

    to asdfghjkl, I hope I didn’t offend you. I was very hyper. I am sorry. Please be mochel me.

    in reply to: CR is dead! #675903
    d a

    smartcookie, did i say something wrong?

    in reply to: Composed Songs #713830
    d a

    Hashem Is Everywhere: i edited my past post. check it out!

    in reply to: Composed Songs #713828
    d a

    Now its time to say Shalom, d a got to go home, but he’ll be back again, Im Yirtza Hashem is here, Hashem is there…

    I feel like I’m 3 years old!!!! That reminds me, on Purim I walked around with a bib, a paci (sic) and a sippy (Tzippy) cup filled with red “milk” whatever!!!

    in reply to: Chile Earthquake Shortens the Day and Changes Earth's Axis #675971
    d a

    boredjewishguy: you sound bored! dont bother with Chili now. you can have cholent on Shabbos!

    in reply to: Composed Songs #713826
    d a

    you got my screenname right!!!!

    in reply to: Number of Participants in the Coffee Room #921425
    d a

    smartcookie, you are REALLY funny! I couldnt stop laughing to that one!!!

    in reply to: Composed Songs #713824
    d a

    simcha man, thanks! i”ll work on it! do you know how much songs go for ($)?

    in reply to: CR is dead! #675901
    d a

    asdfghjkl is ruining all the fun πŸ™

    in reply to: Composed Songs #713823
    d a

    alright, Hashem, I’ll try to do it tomorrow. you dont want to see any songs i write at this time!

    asdfghjkl, this thread was between me and Hashem Is Everywhere. We went 10 post without anyone else disturbing us!!!

    in reply to: CR is dead! #675898
    d a

    no, on the screen! and my post didnt get posted!

    hey, smartcookie, who gave you permission to bud into my conversation with Hashem? your not a smartcookie, your a smartalick (no idea how to spell that one!)

    in reply to: CR is dead! #675896
    d a

    Hashem Is Everywhere, your too slow! I am pressing Refresh a million times! I cant wait soo long!

    in reply to: CR is dead! #675894
    d a

    are we the only ones here? d a, Hashem Is Everywhere, and of course HASHEM!!!

    in reply to: Composed Songs #713816
    d a

    my post didnt get posted :(. lets try again.

    Does anybody have any other helpful tips?

    in reply to: CR is dead! #675892
    d a

    i just got this message from the CR:

    “Slow down; you move too fast.”

    anybody have any idea why???

    in reply to: CR is dead! #675890
    d a

    you see, the CR is dead, I just waited 42 seconds and no body said anything! 42 whole seconds!!!

    in reply to: CR is dead! #675889
    d a

    are you (Hashem Is Truly Everywhere!) kidding? i am on a high right now! my brain is spinning like crazy! I gotto go to bed or I’ll just type crazy things all night! Oh, and by the way, I like your screenname! I cant even type right, now!

    and bytheway, i like my screennmae all lowercase, d a, not D a!

    in reply to: CR is dead! #675887
    d a

    you, Hashem Is Truly Everywhere!, “That sounds BORING” (quotes again!)

    in reply to: Number of Participants in the Coffee Room #921422
    d a


    in reply to: CR is dead! #675885
    d a

    your right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    in reply to: CR is dead! #675882
    d a

    maybe we can talk about why “d a” is using so many “”, !, () tonight? (? that too!)

    in reply to: Number of Participants in the Coffee Room #921417
    d a

    maybe we can get numbers from the CR staff? (I’ll be pretty near the bottom!)

    in reply to: Why Moshiach is Not Here #676013
    d a

    YW Moderator-80: “It’s the old mashul about a little person standing on the shoulders of giants” I love Fried’s song about that mashul, “On Giants Shoulders” (maybe this should go onto the “Most Heartfelt Jewish Song In Your View” thread, but anyways…)

    in reply to: Why Moshiach is Not Here #676012
    d a


    in reply to: Number of Participants in the Coffee Room #921414
    d a

    sounds like an interesting idea!

    in reply to: Why Moshiach is Not Here #676010
    d a

    “If people would be learning Torah and doing maasim tovim instead of blogging maybe the geulAh would be here”

    Hashem Is Everywhere, start doing!!!

    in reply to: The Funniest Purim Costume #999715
    d a

    I saw a father and mother dressed up as The Man with the Yellow Hat, and the father was holding their child dressed up as a monkey! It was very cute!

    Did you see any really funny costumes this Purim? Tell us and liven up this Coffee Room!!!

    in reply to: Suggestions to Improve YWN #1225356
    d a

    I see the CR is getting “Taged” but I don’t see it being used on the Main CR page. Maybe, we can have a place to go to popular tags on the Main CR page?

    in reply to: Jokes #1200973
    d a

    A man is sitting in a bar and announces, “Who wants to hear a Polish joke?” A large crowd forms around him. Suddenly, the bar tender pushes himself through the crowd, and says to the man, “I am 6’2″ and Polish. The owner of this bar is 6’1″ and is Polish. And the bouncer is 6’5″ and also Polish. Are you sure you want to say that joke?” The man says no and sits down.

    One of his friends turns to him and says, “Why didn’t you say the joke? We would all defend you!” The guy said back, “I didn’t want to have to say the joke three times!!!”

    How do you get a Pollack to laugh on Purim? Tell him a joke on Ta’anis Esther!!!

    in reply to: Why Moshiach is Not Here #675991
    d a

    Yout right. We got to keep davening, REALLY daven for moshiach.

    When Reb Chaim Pinchos Scheinberg was in America a few years ago, I went to see him. We davened Mincha together and Reb Chaim was the Chazzan. The emotion that the Rav had during ???????????????? ??????? ??????????? ????????, was amazing. We all put all our emotions into the other brochos. The Rav is begging and pleading for Yerushalayim!

    And chesed, keep on doing chessed, thats sure gonna speed up the geulah!

    in reply to: Adar Jokes #1134380
    d a

    Yesterday, I was so drunk, I couldn’t talk in a straight line…

    in reply to: Purim Ideas! #928758
    d a

    When preparing your Purim costumes, don’t leave a big black garbage bag filled with costumes in middle of the dining room floor. A couple of years ago, we left our bag of costumes in middle of the dining room, and without realizing it was costumes, my father took out the garbage! Lots of good, expensive costumes were lost! And the search for new costumes a couple days before Purim began!

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