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  • in reply to: Advil #705323

    Actually oomis, it was an instructive and beautiful show, of the light of bina yeseira alternating with the clueless clods of the guy persuasion. The chemical complexity of the female( of any species) is generally a study in the grandeur of Hashems creation.

    in reply to: Mi Sheberach for Tzahal #707204

    at the end of shmoneh esrei, we say borchei avinu kulanu BYACHAD. How many of you are mkhavein what this really means?

    in reply to: CHINUCH: A must read! #707730

    aries. She mentioned that our warts validate her fullfilment. That is a an error of nearsightedness. Not necessarily the individual’s fault. Nearsightedness is hereditary, and common in Jews.

    in reply to: Shmiras Ainayim & OTD #707376

    Ramateshkolian: Perfect specimen. If you, an adult don’t have the deep down true concepts, how is a fourteen year old with a crisis going to have them. I learned it as a young adult in a way off the beaten track yeshiva, but apparently, it is not taught ever, and so we have children who need this anchor flying otd, and your average Jew not knowing the alef bais of why he is what he is. Study the Rambam Yad, the Moreh, shmone praking, the Ramban, the works of the Geonim, and the Mussar of the Neviim. And then do kiruv behatzlacha.

    Twisted, a Ramotalephian

    in reply to: CHINUCH: A must read! #707727

    MinyanGal You are a beautiful example of what I posted on the OTD thread. Children are incredibly sensitive to conflicts, and they cannot see the very beautiful forest for the very ugly few trees,AND THEY ARE NOT GIVEN THE TRAINING TO BE CRITICAL THINKERS, EMPOWERED TO SIFT THE DROSS FOR THE SILVER. And you as well are focused on the aberration.

    in reply to: Shmiras Ainayim & OTD #707374

    Lomed and SjS: you are skirting the truth but not getting there. Parts of what you say are contributory to the problem. First of all, Emuna does translate exactly to “faith”, but rather it means ‘to establish the truth’. We have intellectual tools to prove that there is a Higher being, and that there is a way to obey and relate to him. This is not being taught to our children. How many of the little boys that go up on erev shabbos to say Yigdal have any concept of the meanings therin. Why is Hashkafa from valid old sources not taught at all as children mature to think for themselves at say 12,13, 14? If the Ramban devoted a chapter to Yesodei Hadas, why is it ignored? It is not always an intellectual challenge that sends a kit otd, it is usually emotional wound that is sustained when small, and without the tools to proccess the seeming controversy intellectually, and divide between the abuser and the system, the emotional pain becomes too much to bear, and they break away from the system that inflicted it. This is not really somthing new. I can tell you horror stories going way back, and the culprit is often an unskilled or heartless educator, and an even more heartless system. The system has grown, and so has the problem.

    in reply to: Is it unTznius for a girl to ride a bike, razor, ATV? #817149

    In my community in chu”l, there was an elderly couple who were Yekkes from the old country. He commuted all his working years by public transportation because he held private car ownership to be a frivolous mishegas, and overall, I don’t think I ever met a better example of refinement and hatznea leches. She was the Phys. Ed. teacher at the local BY wannabe school, and she commuted the @ 3 mile trip (one way) by bicycle, well into her eighties. Nobody voiced any complaint about this, and this is a town where chumras are hard currency.

    in reply to: Number of Words in Life #704469

    And I often joke, when tired or want to be left alone ” I have exceeded the allotment of words for today” Wow, ain beis medrash bli chiddush. So i was right all along?

    in reply to: Is "organic" food better? #703543

    In my time in NY i gardened extensively, and among other things, I grew tomatoes. Once you experience a well grow, vine ripened open pollinated tomato, you have a real safek about the bracha on anything less. L’aniyas da’ati, a supermarket tomato is a shehakol. Many of the things I grew (small scale is really easy to do organic) often never made it as far as the kitchen back door.

    in reply to: Hagbah (and Gelilla) #1170659

    As a long time BK and curator of old Sifre Torah, I tried to teach people not to pull the sefer down and then right it by pushing it against the table edge. This puts huge back pressure on the klaf, and it can crack letters. As a habit, any crease in an old klaf ( and in Pinchas in general) I scan for damage along the crease. The ideal M.O. is to open to three columns and a seam, and use the fulcrum of your wrists, or against the galgalim to lift the sefer without trauma to the klaf. If space allows, you can also stand with legs one in front of the other, step forward and raise the sefer moving forward in and arc. This only works where there is nothing (bookcase, lamps etc) at the front of the shulchan. There is also cause, in some sefarim NOT to roll to a seam. Chizku V’imtzu.

    in reply to: Time For Truth: Why Won't You Date A Ba'alas Teshuva? #709971

    WIY: I am mochel you for choshesh b’kasher. I deleted Firfox because it started tossing up garbage, I had no idea why. The hacking was my gmail account. Somebody stole my name and notified all my contacts that I was stuck in London with my passport seized and that I needed 1800 USD to get out. Some of my more gullible friends actually got worried. Most know that I don’t leave EY casually, and concluded it was a hackjob. Shyihyeh lachapara.

    in reply to: Are the Reform and Conservative Still Jewish? #755279

    “The CLJS has never abrogated Shabbos Kashruth, Taharat Hamishpacha …. As Rabbis we are greatly saddened…” and we take resposibility. Indeed, your responsibility is frightening. Did you ever attempt to introduce the adherence to Shabat Kashrut an Taharat Mishpacha? And if not, why not. Is your sole function to validate the secular lifestyle and assimilation of your flock? Is Judaism limited to what goes on in the confines of the synagogue? That would explain the parking lot, but little else. You and your colleagues are guilty of mesit umediah by ommission. I will now go wretch.

    in reply to: Are the Reform and Conservative Still Jewish? #755278

    cyincal: you are the proof to kishmo ken hu. There is a great logical distance between the Ashkenazic Jew 1200 vs the Rashba, and you not accepting the psak of Rav Moshe ztk’l. The Jew in Ashkenaz may have had no access to the Rashba, or he may have been under the achrayut of Chachmei ashkenaz. YOU presumably knew of Rav Moshe, has access to his teshuva, could have contacted him, and had NO OTHER HIGHER AUTHORITY. And you are a very little fish in a very big pond to be casting aspersion (“mean spirited”) on the quality of his psak. Do you mean to say the tshuva was contaminated by personal emotion?!!! See Rambam Hilchot Teshuva 3;8 regarding those who have no olam haba. Or is the Ramban too mean spirited to be relevant to you and yours.

    yours truly,


    nicely recovering from a

    conservative youth.

    in reply to: Time For Truth: Why Won't You Date A Ba'alas Teshuva? #709967

    Hi chevre the former Koma fell on hard times: a shumtz attack killed my server which contained my password,and my email was hacked and closed. I took it as a siman to not hang out here so much but the BT thread and the conservative/reform thread hit home. RE: people concerned with yichus. Its quite ironic they ignore the chazal ” where a BT stands….” A BT is his/her own very impressive yichus.

    Yours truly,


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