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  • in reply to: didn't sell dish before pesach #872390

    thanks for your answers everybody!much appreciated! i actually got through to a rov pretty much after i posted

    takah, not to worry, i used a steamroller backwards, using my left hand, k’dei achilas pras (seemed rather appropriate at the time)

    haifagirl, i didn’t do m’chira, I just got rid of my chometz

    in reply to: What is your most controversial opinion? #848726

    1) Beer doesn’t really make a cholent taste better

    2) Hard cider tastes better than beer

    3) The Office isn’t funny

    in reply to: chulent making tips and secret ingredients #843005

    I like to put in half barley and half lentils (brown) to the cholent, i think it really adds to the texture, and the flavor too.

    a sweet potato can dissolve, it gives the cholent a pastier feel too

    meatwise, lamb is the way to go! you can get breast of lamb for about 4 or 5 bucks a pound, it’s a fatty cut, and it’s also very bony, so the membranes and stuff dissolve into the cholent while cooking

    one very important thing in my opinion: DON’T put in barbucue sauce or ketchup. i too used to a staunch advocate of the dark side, however, i found that, if you can’t get enough flavor from the meat itself, than it’s not worth adding

    in reply to: When to buy 1st black hat? #833283

    I’m with Kaufman on this one. the more significance you give to outward appearance, the more it will; rule your life. don’t feed the beast

    in reply to: Lubavitch #820106

    i hear

    in reply to: Lubavitch #820097

    btw, when I was in high school, the most popular bobeh maiseh was that rav Shach used to have a chavrusah with the lubavitcher Rebbe (!)and when the meshichist movement started, Rav Shach told him, “I can’t learn with you anymore, you’re a kofer.”

    what a silly world. in order to super-justify a gadol’s opinion, we have to make him seem all knowing

    in reply to: Lubavitch #820096


    just setting the record straight on 2 points-

    first of all, Lubavitchers never skip tachanun on yartzeiten, so …

    second, that maiseh is rather questionable considering that the Brisker rov used to figure in it, now it’s Rav Shach. that’s what irks me so much. do we really need to say that Rav Shach knew he was against the Rebbe by glancing at his maamer? c’mon, just stick with the simple fact: he was against the Rebbe ideologically

    in reply to: us universities advice sought #812525

    Hey, Kaufman, I resent that!

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