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Residents in 600 homes in the Florida Panhandle were evacuated as a wildfire destroyed two houses and damaged 12 others, in an area that has spent the past three years

Victims of the Sept. 11 terror attacks have asked the U.S. government to seize Iranian crude oil suspected to be on an American-owned oil tanker in Asia, court documents show.

Tov V’chesed Opens Magnificent Double-Wedding- Hall Where Orphans Are Married Off Free Of Charge! Yesomim and yesomos from poor Israel families have long had a hard time making it to

Established in 1953, Yeshiva Toras Emes of L.A. has grown to be the largest Orthodox elementary Day School outside the New York Metropolitan area, currently teaching over 1,000 boys and girls

Acheinu Bnei Yisrael, A relative of Rav Chaim Kanievsky is in great distress. He is tormented by creditors day and night. They are threatening to take away his house and

A cyberattack on New York’s ethics commission last month is expected to keep lobbying and financial disclosure systems offline for about another week, officials said Saturday. The Joint Commission on

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Saturday visited a welcome center set up by Polish authorities in what once was a shopping mall in Korczowa, close to the border

Chief Rabbi of Israel Rav Dovid Lau last week made an official visit to the United Arab Emirates to be mechazeik the Jewish community there, which has grown significantly in

A man dashes into a hospital with a desperately wounded toddler in his arms, the child’s mother on his heels. Doctors use smartphone torches to examine patients’ wounds. New mothers

Russian President Vladimir Putin warned Saturday that Ukrainian statehood is in jeopardy and likened the West’s sanctions on Russia to “declaring war,” while a promised cease-fire in the port city

Our brothers and sisters in Ukraine are hungry, but the shelves are literally bare; there’s nothing to buy. They need our help!  Please join the Federation of Jewish Communities of

The ZAKA hotline on Shabbos received a report of family members from the Jewish community in Kyiv who were wounded after a missile hit their apartment, with one family member

In an exceedingly rare event, Israel’s Prime Minister Naftali Bennett flew to Moscow on Shabbos morning to meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin. He was accompanied by Ukrainian-born Housing Minister

Former Vice President Mike Pence urged Republicans to move on from the 2020 election and declared that “there is no room in this party for apologists for Putin” as he

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday intensified a crackdown on media outlets and individuals who fail to hew to the Kremlin line on Russia’s war in Ukraine, blocking Facebook and

The upcoming Dirshu Convention culminating in the Grand Melava Malka Siyum promises to be a tremendous demonstration of Kavod HaTorah and ruchniyis that will energize lomdei Torah and honor those

Verizon customers have found themselves without any service on their cellphones Friday afternoon, after the company apparently suffered from a massive, yet-to-be explained outage across the East Coast. Downdetector, a

The Supreme Court has reinstated the death sentence for convicted Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. The justices, by a 6-3 vote Friday, agreed with the Biden administration’s arguments that a

Russians could face prison sentences of up to 15 years for spreading information that goes against the Russian government’s position on the war in Ukraine, a move that comes as

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