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A beautiful story occurred this Purim in Queens, when a public school changed the day of its weekly “Jewish hour” to accommodate its Jewish students. In New York City’s public

Dozens of nations met Thursday to pledge their support to the International Criminal Court’s investigation in Ukraine, offering money, technology and expertise to the probe opened soon after Russia’s invasion

Even airlines are fed up with the mask mandates on aircraft and in airports. The chief executives of the largest U.S. airlines are now asking President Biden to allow the

When patients are battling a terminal illness and want access to an experimental drug, how much evidence that it works should regulators require before approval? That’s the question behind many

Do you know the answer to these questions?    Why do we skip ahead at Mincha time and read part of the next week’s Sedrah?   Do we need to

Circle Time: At Your Shabbos Table is a weekly parshah sheet download brought to you by The Circle. Here is this week’s parshah sheet, along with a printer-friendly version. For the colored parshah

A man who pleaded guilty in a plot to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer testified Thursday that he joined the conspiracy hoping he would be killed in a shootout with

Three teenagers approached and harassed a group of Jewish children on Wednesday in the vicinity of 17th Avenue and 61st Street in Boro Park. Surveillance footage shows the trio approaching

YidFlicks is proud to present Mint Media’s educational documentary about the extraordinary life of Rav Chaim Kanivesky.  This twenty minute film will leave you inspired like never before. Watch the

The European Union’s drug regulator said Thursday it was recommending that an antibody medication developed by AstraZeneca be authorized to help some vulnerable people avoid getting sick with the coronavirus.

We all know Chaverim. The phone number securely listed in our contacts along with all emergency numbers. It’s one of those numbers we never want to use but the knowledge

YWN obtained rare footage of the Steipler, z’tl, and HaGaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky, z’tl, at the groundbreaking ceremony of Yeshivas Haran in the Ramot neighborhood of Jerusalem in 1983. It’s

Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke with Prime Minister Naftali Bennett on Wednesday about the “special military operation” in Ukraine, a statement from the Kremlin said. Bennett “shared his assessment of

Syrian dictator and mass murderer Bashar al-Assad went on a unhinged rant against Ukraine, claiming that is president, Volodymyr Zelensky, is a “Zionist Jew” who “supports the Nazis that killed

by Rabbi Yair Hoffman for Technological advances can make enormous changes in life.  Medicine, for example, has advanced enormously with ever improving imaging techniques.  Communications as well, have improved

By Rabbi Yair Hoffman for Reb Aryeh Kanievsky shlita is the grandson of Rav Chaim zt”l, and spent many hours each day being meshamesh him.  He learned in the

Mohammad Ghaleb Abu al-Qi’an, 34, the terrorist who murdered four Israelis on Tuesday was deemed a “ticking time bomb” by prosecutors in 2015 but was nevertheless granted a lenient four-year

As Russia escalates its war in Ukraine and stories of civilian casualties and destruction in cities reach the United States, support has risen for a major American role — and

It’s not just Supreme Court nominee Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson who is being scrutinized. Senators are also being watched at this milestone moment in history considering the first Black woman

The Biden administration on Wednesday made a formal determination that Russian troops have committed war crimes in Ukraine and said it would work with others to prosecute offenders, Secretary of

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