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The Supreme Court is leaving in place a $2 billion verdict in favor of women who claim they developed ovarian cancer from using Johnson & Johnson talc products. The justices

How many times have we heard Senator Schumer say he’s the Shomer Yisroel? Yet in the last week as Israel and Jews around the world are under attack Senator Schumer

The New York Police Department recommended a hate crime charge against a black man who punched a 55-year-old Asian woman in an unprovoked attack in Chinatown on Monday night, the

The World Health Organization has issued an emergency use listing for the COVID-19 vaccine made by Sinovac for adults 18 and over, the second such authorization it has granted to

The Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah of Degel HaTorah signed a letter fiercely attacking the Yamina party for its plan to establish a unity government with Yair Lapid which will include left-wing

Eichler’s has been servicing the Jewish community in NY for decades. We pride ourselves on being the largest online Jewish bookstore. We offer free shipping and same day delivery on all

Both NYC and state are reporting their lowest positivity rates since that metric started to be reported in the early days of the pandemic. Nearly 57% of New York adults

f you use Google Photos be prepared – you may have to start paying to store your photos and videos. Starting Tuesday, June 1, you will only have 15 GB

President Joe Biden is set to meet Wednesday with West Virginia Sen. Shelley Moore Capito, the top Republican negotiator on infrastructure as the administration signals time is running out to

The former Minneapolis police officer convicted of murder in George Floyd’s death is scheduled to make an initial appearance Tuesday in federal court to face charges alleging he violated Floyd’s

Nancy Pelosi and House Democrats quietly passed a bill that would overturn America’s entire election system. This will be a disaster if passed by the Senate and signed into law. 

U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz on Monday accused President Joe Biden of being soft on Israel’s foes and inviting further violence during a deadly 11-day war that left Israelis rattled and

(By Yehudit Garmaise) Today, mayoral candidate Eric Adams added to his growing list of Orthodox Jewish endorsements: a coalition of growing and thriving Staten Island Jewish groups and the influential

An International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) report issued on Monday stated that Iran’s stock of enriched uranium is 16 times higher than the limit authorized in the 2015 nuclear deal,

Rockland Chaveirim located a missing father and his son who were lost in a wooded area near Monsey, Monday night. Sources tell YWN that the father contacted Chaveirim that they

Police were investigating a shooting in Spring Valley Monday night, that left one person dead, and two others injured. It happened at around 10:30PM in the vicinity of Rose Avenue

As Yamina, Yesh Lapid, and the other parties in the anti-Netanyahu bloc engage in negotiations for the formation of a new government, reports say that the anti-Chareidi Yisrael Beiteinu chairman

Dear brothers and sisters, My wedding day is approaching very soon, and I literally have no money to pay for the bare minimum expenses, such as clothing and the wedding

Chareidi MKs are working to form a unity government that would exclude Avigdor Leiberman’s Yisrael Beiteinu party and the left-wing Meretz and Labor parties and wouldn’t depend on the support

Barring any unforeseen developments in the next week, Israel’s Health Ministry has set a date to begin vaccinating all children ages 12-15 against the Coronavirus. The Ministry alerted the health

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