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Germany’s new foreign minister on Monday urged the Palestinians “not to tear down bridges,” an apparent reference to President Mahmoud Abbas’ contentious relationship with the U.S. and political rival Hamas.

(PHOTOS IN EXTENDED ARTICLE) In the following pictorial essay, we wee Magen David Adom Jerusalem Chief Shlomo Petrover and Deputy Commander Avi Hovav selling MDA Jerusalem’s chametz to Jerusalem Sephardi

Malaysia’s government proposed new legislation Monday to outlaw fake news and punish offenders with a 10-year jail sentence, a move slammed by critics as a bid to crack down on

(PHOTOS IN EXTENDED ARTICLE) Police were summoned to the Machane Yehuda area of Jerusalem on Monday morning after “Chardak Out” graffiti was discovered, apparently sprayed on the area walls during

The Holocaust memorial at a Lakewood Shul has been vandalized for the second time in less than a year. Lakewood police say someone spray-painted several anti-Semitic words and phrases —

The FBI is investigating suspicious packages with apparent explosive components at several U.S. military installations and intelligence facilities in the Washington, D.C., area Monday, a law enforcement official said. The

Americans appear open to President Donald Trump’s surprise decision to negotiate directly with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, and at the same time are less concerned than in recent

Dr. Stephen Glicksman of Teaneck has served as director of clinical innovation at Makor Disability Services in Boro Park, formerly known as Women’s League Community Residences, for the past 25

 In the accompanying video, US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman explains what it means to him being in Eretz Yisrael for the Yomtov, as well as sending his best

Actress Cynthia Nixon blasted Gov. Andrew Cuomo as a “bully” and a “wannabe Republican” Monday during her first visit to Albany since announcing her bid for New York governor. Nixon,

Shas party leader Minister Aryeh Deri on Monday morning 10 Nissan was questioned by police for a ninth time in the Lahav 443 Serious Crimes Unit headquarters. According to a

Israeli police on Monday questioned Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, as well as his wife Sara and son Yair, in a corruption case involving the country’s telecom giant, one of a

President Donald Trump will not be adding two new lawyers to the legal team defending him in the special counsel’s Russia investigation after all, one of the president’s attorneys said.

Attorney Uri Yisrael Paz told Kol Berama Radio on Monday morning 10 Nissan that the decision to grant a state permit for Soccer on Shabbos was given “hastily” by Minister

Widely hailed for its advocacy efforts and the many services it provides to the yeshiva community, Agudath Israel of America’s Yeshiva Services division welcomes Rabbi Ami Bazov as its new

A Hachnusos Sefer Torah was held on Sunday, 2 Nisan that was written by the Liska Rebbe, Harav Tzvi Hershh Friedlander Shlita in memory of his father the previous Liska

Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman was asked on Sunday, 9 Nissan, if Israel stand prepared on its northern and southern borders for the threats facing her. “There is no doubt that

Authorities say a good Samaritan is in critical condition after helping to save two children from drowning in the Gulf of Mexico. The Pensacola News Journal reports the children started

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