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By Rabbi Yair Hoffman for the Five Towns Jewish Times It is the custom within Klal Yisroel to light a Yartzeit candle on the last days of Yom Tov, on

People kayaking down streets that were passable just a day or two earlier. Hundreds of thousands without power. National Guard helicopters flying rescue missions to residents still stranded on Florida’s

Jair Bolsonaro considerably outperformed expectations in Brazil’s presidential election, proving that the far-right wave he rode to the presidency remains a force and providing the world with yet another example

A relative of Rav Chaim Kanievsky is facing an enormous crisis. He is poverty-stricken, and his family is suffering without end!   Aside from being an outstanding Talmid Chochom and Rosh

Ukrainian forces have broken through Moscow’s defenses in the strategic southern Kherson region, the Russian military acknowledged Monday, an achievement that delivers a sharp blow to one of the four

Over ten thousand women gathered in Lakewood on Sunday Aseres Yimei Teshuva to take part in the momentous Nshei Adirei Hatorah gathering. This mass gathering followed up on the historic

Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei responded publicly on Monday to the biggest protests in Iran in years, breaking weeks of silence to condemn what he called “rioting” and accuse

A resident of Beitar Illit was wounded on Motzei Shabbos when Arabs threw stones at him in the villages of Husan, right near Beitar Illit. The victim said that he

IDF forces carried out counterterrorism operations overnight Sunday in a number of areas in Yehudah and Shomron. While soldiers from the Egoz commando unit were operating in the Jazalone refugee

(By Rabbi Yair Hoffman for Please be aware that there is a difference below between “must” and “should.”  “Should” is preferable and ideal, but not absolutely necessary.  Also, there

It’s not about the extras.  As inflation rises and Yom Tov approaches, lots of us are examining our spending. Cutting our splurges. Postponing luxuries, perhaps.  But then there are those

R’ Zev Cohen was a familiar and friendly face to many in Lakewood. He was niftar on Rosh Hashanah and left a grief stricken family, his almana with 10 children

Klal Yisrael today is like a beautiful tower of Torah and Mitzvos! There has never before been so much Torah learning, shuls, kiruv and chessed. But we also have challenges

By Rabbi Yair Hoffman for the Five Towns Jewish Times One of the general differences between Litvaks (Misnagdim) and Chassidim lies in what they do on the holiday of Shmini

With the death toll from Hurricane Ian rising and hundreds of thousands of people without power in Florida and the Carolinas, U.S. officials vowed Sunday to unleash a massive amount

The beginning of October means Nobel Prize season. Six days, six prizes, new faces from around the globe added to the world’s most elite roster of scientists, writers, economists and

Meaningful Minute founder and coordinator Nachi Gordon understands the power of one minute: every word a block with which you can build, every thought filled with potential to uplift – short, but so

A judge is allowing prosecutors to move forward with their criminal case against an analyst who provided key details for a flawed dossier on ex-President Donald Trump, although the judge

United Airlines says it will halt its flights from JFK Airport on October 29th, saying its schedule at the airport is too miniscule to remain competitive in the market. The

The New York attorney general’s lawsuit accusing Donald Trump and his company of fraud has been assigned to a state court judge who repeatedly ruled against the former president in

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