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DEFUND THE POLICE? DeBlasio To Shift NYPD Funds To “Youth And Social Services”

Mayor Bill de Blasio laid out the next wave of police reforms on Sunday, including shifting funds from the NYPD to youth and social services, in the aftermath of days of protests over the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis.

“The details will be worked out in the budget process in the weeks ahead. But I want people to understand that we are committed to shifting resources to ensure that the focus is on our young people,” de Blasio said. “I also will affirm we will only do it in a way that is certain to continue the city will be safe.”

Another key point of the plan includes reforming 50-A, the state law that keeps police behavior from public scrutiny.

“The current law is broken and stands in the way of improving trust between them and the community,” the mayor said.

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The other important points include moving street vendor enforcement from the NYPD to civilian agencies and adding more community voices into the senior level of the NYPD.



24 Responses

  1. This piece of disgusting excrement needs to go immediately. How anyone could be for the defunding of police In any ways despicable! What Vilhelm wants is a lack of law and order and we went through that already in the seventies.

  2. What a moron. Even if this makes sense financially his relationship with the police is so bad that it becomes a bad idea. But he doesn’t see that

  3. this guy continues to amaze me how much of a moron he is!!!! This retarded democrat wants to take away money from cops, is he insane???!!!?? the solution is training & putting in new laws not taking away money from them & making it worse… This guy is anti-cops & it’s just getting clearer & clearer by the day. we should all go and support the cops show them that we actually value & respect their work, not like this defunct mayor who despises cops. IMPEACH THIS BOZO!!!

  4. Why does he need so many cops at some public schools ? Let them all be fired. And teach those kids (animals ) some humanity.

  5. So reopen Summer Youth Employment Program (Youth Core) NOW which has been suspended due to COVID-19.

  6. This klutz has taken his foolishness to a new level. There was considerable ineffectiveness by police last week, but it was not their fault. This rosho personally called precinct commanders and instructed then to step back and not make arrests. He intended to let the chayos that were rioting and looting inflict heavy damage on as many as people as possible. He also wanted to present statistics that wouldn’t look bad on his record, with fewer arrests (the impression of less violence and destruction). He has been feuding with NYPD almost forever, and the police department has never been made to feel like they had his support. This straw is enough that every New Yorker needs to voice their rejection of this hypocrite and liar. We wish he be replaced long before the next election.

  7. Absolutely outrageous!!!
    Is there a way that we can recall this excuse of a mayor.
    While there may sometimes be a “bad apple”, by and large, the police prevent utter chaos. According to De Blasio the lives and businesses destroyed by hooligans are only collateral damage when it comes to the greater good of “the cause”…especially when his own daughter is one of them. Just bother Jews because they won’t burn down the town.

  8. defund the police department so they can loot at will. fund useless youth programs so the leaders can line their pockets.

  9. Any Jews that vote for any of the insane leftists in order to get a few shekels from them is subjecting the olam to extreme danger and disregard.

    They’ve already given a get out of jail free card to most of the criminals that don’t have to pay bail anymore and they are released almost as soon as they are convicted and the farblozener (De Blazio yimach shmo) is giving less funding to the police. There almost is no hope that decent leaders will arise to protect our interests.

  10. what a shoteh. its already bad enough, with the police being funded, with his crooked laws. defunding police means that more criminals will be on the street. he should fund the police more to get rid of these low lives .

  11. the best thing he can do now is step down and let some normal person with some brains do run nyc. what a loser

  12. Police were only established 200 years ago, and then only in large cities such as London. The old system was then when someone saw a crime, they would issue a “hue and cry” and everyone would catch the crook (if they didn’t the people in the area might be responsible for damages). There was a sheriff in each county and he largely run the jail, where felons were locked up until the next session of the court, and would be in charge of hanging them afterwards (no prisons – Americans would acquit anyone they didn’t want to hang, and the Brits would send them to America (until 1775) or Australia).

    For big problems they would call in the army, whose idea of police work usually involved shooting into crowds and cavalry charges.

    So before our leaders try to “defund” the police, they should look back at what it was like in the good old days, before the voters decided to raise their taxes to fund a police force.

  13. Getting rid of 50A and moving more civil violations to other agencies are good ideas.

    But NYPD itself needs MORE funding, for MORE officers, with BETTER pay, and MORE training.

  14. “I also will affirm we will only do it in a way that is certain to continue the city will be safe.”

    How does that make any sense at all? What are the police currently spending money on that isn’t necessary to keep the city safe?

    A majority on the Minneapolis City Council have already announced they are going to abolish the police altogether. There will be no police, and anyone without a gun to defend herself will be easy prey for criminals.

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