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Hikind Hosts Second Annual Hometown Heroes Event

hikind2.jpgIn recognition of their exceptional service, Assemblyman Dov Hikind (D-Brooklyn) will honor nine outstanding individuals who unselfishly give of their time and energy to help those less fortunate or in need. This will be an opportunity to express our deep appreciation as a community for their tireless efforts.

“These are true heroes whose social activism, caliber of personal and/or professional commitment has distinguished them. They are role models who have created a new standard for all of us to follow in community and/or government service. They make a difference in the lives of so many, having changed realities and facts on the ground, collectively for tens of thousands of people. What we are recognizing and honoring, is the power of one dedicated individual to change the world around him or her. That is the essence of activism and service. These are the stars of our community and government.”

The honorees include: Rabbi Moshe Wiener of the JCC of Coney Island; Motty Katz, Coordinator of the Boro Park Shomrim Security Patrol; Pesach Greenberg, President of Yad Ephraim; Rafi Hazzan, Founder of Bnai Raphael Chesed Organization; Shimshon Heszkel of Mekimi Cheer-Up Squad; Esther Friedman of Zichron Shlomo Refuah Fund; Florence Gruen, Community hero; and Judith Ball and Joanne McGrath of the NYS Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance.

These individuals have proven that you can make a dramatic difference in the lives of people, if you take the initiative and personally commit yourself to an excellence of heart and spirit. You will be inspired. Come and join us to salute their extraordinary sense of community and selfless commitment to the greater good.

DATE: Wednesday, October 17th
TIME: 6:30 P.M.
PLACE: Boro Park Y, 4910 14th Avenue, Borough Park, Brooklyn
Light refreshments will be served.

2 Responses

  1. I think that its truly amazing that Dov Hikind is honoring these individuals who have made a major difference in the lives of klal yisroel.

    I have personally benefitted from the services of Yad Ehraim under the directorship of Rabbi Pesach Greenberg. I have been in Maimonides Hospital for emergencies (as a patients family member) quite a few times. Preparing food for myself was out of the question. There was no time.

    Yad Ephraim was always there. The delicious hot meals are unbelievable, from hot soup Friday night to Chulent shabbos day. There was even a shabbos party pekele for the afternoon.

    Thanks to all the men ans women volunteers who give so much of their time Friday night and Shabbos morning. These volunteers come home to their own suedos at least one to two hours late.

    Rabbi Pesach Greenberg has a wonderful orginazation , Yad Ephraim. We need more selfless people like him in our community!

  2. Rabbi Moshe Wiener is the saviour of the senior citizens and Jewish residents of Coney Island. He is available at any time with ideas, resources and help to all who need. Wonderful man with a dynamite family of all baali chesed.

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