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Schindler’s Secretary Moving To Israel

os.jpgThe 92-year-old secretary of Oskar Schindler, a German industrialist who saved the lives of hundreds of Jews during the Holocaust, has decided to move to Israel, the EJP is reporting.

Mimi Reinhardt was in charge of drawing up the lists of Jewish workers from the ghetto of the Polish city of Krakow who were recruited to work at Schindler’s factory, saving them from deportation to the death camps.

Austrian-born Reinhardt was recruited by Schindler himself as his secretary and continued to work for him until 1945.

Schindler, who died in 1974, was named by Israel’s Yad Vashem Holocaust museum as a member of the “Righteous of the Nations” for having saved the lives of some 1,300 Jews at a considerable risk to his own life.

Reinhardt, who is Jewish and resided in New York, is expected to arrive in Israel on Tuesday and join her son who immigrated to the Jewish state in the 1970s.

(Source: EJP)

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