NYC Is Set To Slap Metal Boots On Cars If Owners Owe Fines

The Bloomberg administration will likely give the go-ahead for a private company named PayLock to place new-age tire boots on any car whose owner has accumulated $350 or more of unpaid tickets.

Under the program, a city marshal will be deployed with teams of PayLock employees. The marshal will verify that a car has more than $350 in judgments, then authorize PayLock to boot it.

The scofflaw can then call a toll-free number and pay his bill immediately by credit or debit card. PayLock will give him a code to self-release the boot.

Or the driver can travel to a city payment center and pay his tickets and fees in cash, then get the release code.

A motorist who owes $355 in parking tickets, for example, will have to pay an additional $180 for Paylock’s “boot fee,” $70 for a marshal’s “execution fee,” plus a “poundage fee” of 5% of the entire bill.

And, if the driver pays by credit card, he or she will be charged a small additional “convenience fee.”

Drivers would be forced to shell out nearly $300 on top of the original $355 in tickets. That’s virtually the same amount as under the current towing system — even though the city will be towing far fewer cars.

If the motorist doesn’t pay within two days, however, the booted car will then be towed, and the owner will be charged both a $180 booting fee and a $185 towing fee.


14 Responses

  1. LOVE IT!!!!!!!!! START PAYING YOUR TICKETS, VIOLATORS!!!!! My only question is, what happens to the boot after it gets taken off??????????

  2. Ya gotta just love NYC!!!

    Coming soon…

    All New Yorkers will have to wear a type of metered gas-mask which will measure how much air you breathe, and you will be billed for it monthly.

  3. Its bad enough that Bloomberg is currently in office against the will of the people he purports to be serving. Its even worse that him and his cronies spend the bulk of their time dreaming up new ways to part hard-working people from their money, instead of trying to improve the quality of life within the City. But then again, how can a billionaire bachelor begin to understand the travails of the average working person?

  4. i have 1 more question, what happens when the offenders are the politicians do they have to take their own medicine or are these “public servants” exempt?(i only mention this since their have been numerous reports of thousands of dollars in violations y our “public servants-masters”)

  5. What are you crying about. In London it is worst. If you get a ticket for £130, if you pay in 14 days it goes to £65 if not you pay £130 and if you don’t pay in 28 days it goes to £195 and than a court fee and 25% interest a week until it gets around £500 to £600 than they give it to the baliffs which drive around with a camera which sets off an alarm to stop and boot the car. If you don’t pay in 2 days it is towed and you end up owing over £800 around $1280. The same baliff’s cameras do not recognize stolen cars only cars that owe money. It is a crazy system. They don’t care if your car is stolen since the government does not make money on that car

  6. Rebyid39- what do u mean “Its bad enough that Bloomberg is currently in office against the will of the people” he is an elected official complain to the people who voted for him

  7. To all who those who wax indignant about the medieval financial persecution of the Jews in the Levant and thereby justify the insane ‘liquidation’ of the diaspora, I would postulate that the proliference of the various taxes, tariffs, tolls, fees, interest, etc that charachterize the ‘enlightened’ governments in Zion and the West are an indication of a fraudulent ideological and political viewpoint.

  8. You guys are not getting it. They currently tow cars for not paying. This boot it a favor to the driver so they can have their car back right away, w/o having to take a bus or train down to a lot.

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