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All Together At Bnos Convention 5780

Partial View of the Crowd

“No one was the same, but we were all together.” – Rochel G., Bnos advisor, Brooklyn

3 days. 27 cities. 400 Bnos leaders.

That was the Bnos Agudath Israel Leaders Convention of 5780/2019, this past weekend in Chicago.

But the numbers only tell a small part of the story. Because those 400 girls came together for a shared purpose and vision.

Yes, they sang. And danced. And talked. And ate. And talked some more. And had an amazing ice-skating trip.

But they also participated in workshops, heard words of chizuk, and shared tips and tricks.
The theme of the convention was “CTA – Come Take Action / נושא בעול עם חבירו.” The speeches and presentations connected to the theme. The leaders participated in a workshop titled: C – CARING WITH DISCIPLINE, T – TOOLS FOR LEADERSHIP, and A – ACTIVITIES & GAMES.

One goal was practical advice. Shaindy I., a Bnos leader from Atlanta, says she took away important pointers like “always be prepared” and “stick to your schedule.”

The other goal was to empower the leaders. “I gained the fact that Bnosers really look up to you. I never realized how much impact we have on them,” explained Leah D. from N. Miami Beach.
“We want the leaders to know that they’re not just giving parents a Shabbos nap,” says Mrs. Chana Baila Hass, National Director of Bnos Agudath Israel. “Every time they build a girl up with a compliment or give her a geshmak for Shabbos, they’re changing lives.”

But, by far, the biggest chizuk was getting together with Bnos leaders from across the country. All the leaders agreed that the best part of Convention was meeting new girls.

“I never realized that there are so many girls doing the same thing,” said Michali B., a Bnos leader from Milwaukee.

“We felt part of something bigger,” added Rochel.

That’s what makes all the hard work and long hours worthwhile for Mrs. Hass. “These messages are more important than ever before,” she sums up, “and we couldn’t have done it without the outpouring of support from the city of Chicago. Thank you, Chicago, for hosting us this year.”

Unfortunately, this year, the Convention filled up all its spots, and Mrs. Hass had to turn away girls. “I couldn’t sleep,” she says.

So. . .

For the first time ever, there is going to be a SECOND Bnos Convention coming up in February to accommodate all the girls who couldn’t come to Chicago!

For more information, call 212 797 9000 ext. 330 or e-mail [email protected].

The convention gave them both chizuk and tools to Continue Taking Action!

Rabbi Yitzchok Bider addressing the convention

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