Sen. Mitt Romney Will Vote To Convict Trump, Breaking With Fellow Republicans

Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) will vote to convict President Donald Trump in the impeachment trial on the charge of abuse of power, becoming the only Republican to break with the president and his party.

“The grave question the Constitution tasks senators to answer is whether the president committed an act so extreme and egregious that it rises to the level of a “high crime and misdemeanor.”

“Yes, he did,” Romney said.

Romney appeared to choke up as he spoke of his deep faith and “oath before God” demanding that he vote for impeachment.

“The president is guilty of an appalling abuse of public trust,” Romney said on the Senate floor. “What the president did was wrong, grievously wrong.”

The move denies Trump the unanimous Republican support he had sought and is sure to invite an avalanche of attacks from the president and his allies.


12 Responses

  1. Goes to show exactly why the country needs a Trump. It was Mitt Romney who coward and grovelled when he was literally victimized by that clandestine filming of his election campaign strategy meeting. (One wonders if he suffered PTSD) Obama himself ridiculed Romney over it in speeches, and never did Obama do his sworn duty of bringing the miscreant filmer to justice, or failing that, at least castigate the filmer for such abominable acts. This is how the Democrats literally bullied the Republicans. It was the Democrats who used foreign sources to attack Trump and it is only “fair play” that Trump reciprocates.

  2. He’s following his conscience and he should be given full respect
    even if you don’t necessarily agree
    he seems like a throwback to the old days when Republican party seem to stand way
    second of all it’s he’s being politically shrewd and I suspect He even clear this with the White House
    this way he’s giving allowance for never trumpers to remain within the GOP tent under the GOP l

  3. He’s following his conscience and he should be given full respect
    even if you don’t necessarily agree
    he seems like a throwback to the old days when Republican party seem to stand this way
    second of all it’s he’s being politically shrewd and I suspect He even clear this with the White House
    this way he’s giving allowance for never trumpers to remain within the GOP tent under the GOP l

  4. Ok, YWN readers – go ahead and post about how bad a guy Romney is. But before you do, please write a line or two about what Trump would need to justify being impeached. If pushing a foreign power to interfere with our democratic elections isn’t enough, what would be? Would he need to kill a child on the front lawn of the White House?

  5. Mitt,
    a. Religion should teach you to be grateful to someone who did you a favor and campaigned for you.
    b. There are many other very religious people in the senate and US Citizens who would still vote to exonerate. Tying this into your swearing has nothing to do with your decision to convict.
    c. If you swearing to be impartial caused you to convict, were you truly impartial??? Don’t you have any hard feelings against Trump?
    d. If you wanted to truly be impartial, you should have abstained.
    e. Really, no one believes you. You couldn’t even win against a community organizer aka Barak Obama. I would rather believe that you wanted to get back at Trump and you are a weak personality who cant stand up to your anger and jealousy.
    f. If you are true to your oath of office, you should now respectfully resign. You cannot accomplish anything for the people who voted for you. No respectful republican or democrat will want to work with a back stabber like you.
    g. Even if Trump did all that he was accused of, if he is convicted, this would weaken the presidency forever. Now any president who does not have a majority in both houses will be impeached. This would have weakened America, weakened the presidency and turned the US into the same weak country like Italy, England or Israel. The president needs to be able to be a credible third leg or this country and government will not stand. If you would have voted to exonerate, you can still justify it for this reason alone.

    Look, I too hate the way this man behaves. However, I see that he is blessed and all he does is successful.
    He has my vote.
    I will never ever vote for someone like you.
    Shame on you.

  6. He is a fool. As soon as he became senator, he wrote an oped criticizing the President. This is just a continuation of his treason against the party he belongs to. the President is the leader and you go with the rest of the party. I hope he gets voted out in three years.

  7. I wish I could take my 2012 vote back!
    Romney is such a snake! He is so jealous of Trump that he is doing something no Juror should ever do, voting to convict on circumstantial evidence in a hipper partisan case.
    He got his senate seat in large part because of Trump’s support and endorsement.

  8. rEtARD, RE:”Nice to see someone putting the law, his oath and country above party.” Do you mean Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler?

  9. > M

    For starters, even assuming your false interpretation of events for the sake of argument, where does a political candidate suddenly get immunity from being investigated?

    But further, I bothered to read the phone transcript. Trump asked Ukraine to find out what Biden was talking about in that video where Biden came out openly bragging that he – Biden – forced Ukraine to fire that prosecutor. What it means is he asking Ukraine just what the Ukranian prosecutor was doing that got Biden so upset. Can you tell use why finding out what the Ukrainian prosecutor was doing is such a problem? And can you tell use why you seem to have no problem with the Democrats who went to foreign government agents to dig up fake lies against Trump?

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