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LISTEN TO IT: Trump Says American Jews “No Longer Love Israel”; Says Israel Used To Have “Absolute Power Over Congress”

Donald Trump is coming under criticism from Jewish groups after audio emerged of the former president slamming American Jews for not being supportive enough of Israel and decrying that Israel no longer has “absolute power” over Congress.

“There are people in this country that are Jewish – no longer love Israel. I’ll tell you, the evangelical Christians love Israel more than Jews in this country,” Trump told Israeli journalist Barak Ravid.

“It used to be that Israel had absolute power over Congress. And today, I think it’s the exact opposite. And I think Obama and Biden did that,” he said.

“The Jewish people in the United States either don’t like Israel or don’t care about Israel,” Trump continued. “I mean, look at The New York Times. The New York Times hates Israel, hates them. And they’re Jewish people that run the New York Times. I mean, the Sulzberger family.”

Since the release of the audio, which comes ahead of the release of Ravid’s book “Trump’s Peace,” which discussed the Abraham Accords deals, numerous Jewish organizations have come out swinging against the former president.

“Past support for Israel doesn’t give him license to traffic in radioactive antisemitic tropes or peddle unfounded conclusions about the unbreakable ties that bind American Jewish to Israel. Enough!” the American Jewish Committee tweeted.

Jewish Democratic Council for America CEO Halie Soifer wrote that “what [Trump] doesn’t understand is that American Jews despise him – and all he stands for in the GOP – because he’s a depraved bigot who continues to attack our democracy [and] his policies are antithetical to our values. This has nothing to do with Israel.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

38 Responses

  1. Whether or not we internally agree with these comments, they have no place coming out of a non-Jew’s mouth. This guy needs to become a distant memory.

  2. Non-Jews often forget to verbally distinguish between religious and secular Jews (who are usually the most liberal of Americans). But we know who he’s talking about.

  3. He’s telling the exact truth, except for one thing: The Sulzbergers are not Jews. Boruch Hashem we do not have to be ashamed of that degenerate family. Other than that, every word he said is correct.

    Contrary to Halie Sofer, he unfortunately does understand very well that the majority of those American Jews who live like goyim, and are Jewish only because they have a holy neshama trapped inside them desperately crying out for help, despise him. And he correctly says that these same fargoyishte Jews also despise Israel, and the two are related. They despise both because both are antithetical to their depraved “values”, which they have substituted for yiddishkeit.

  4. Unfortunately Trump’s on target again. Sad but true! Agree that sometimes the truth hurts and the haters were never able to handle that.

  5. Evangelicals support Israel because they believe it is important for fulfilling end-times prophecy of the destruction of the Jewish people.

    Trump is right, but are these the people you want to associate with?

  6. As a Trump supporter, this is a bit disturbing but unfortunately it’s very true. Most American Jews are liberals and would stab their religion and Israel for the sake of BLM and global warming. They are long lost souls who are brainwashed into the American society and don’t care who their children marry or “identify” as.
    For example, Ben & Jerry’s and much more.
    Crazy to think about it, but would these same long lost souls vote for Hitler R”L if he was a candidate?!

    Very sad and pathetic. I understand Trump frustration after everything he did for the Jewish people, far more than any other leader in the past.
    Instead 80% of Jews decided he wasn’t good enough. But in the end, these comments shouldn’t be public.

  7. Evangelicals support Israel because they believe it is important for fulfilling end-times prophecy of the destruction of the Jewish people.

    That is a filthy lie. How can you be so stupid as to believe it, or so wicked as to spread it without believing it?

    And yes, these are the people with whom I want to associate. They are serving Hashem in the best way they know how, and when Moshiach comes and they learn the truth they will readily accept it. In the meantime I don’t want them influencing my children, but I am glad to associate with them anywhere outside the home.

  8. Trump is spot on! Wake up, get off the Democrapic Socialist Plantation! Yes there weren’t ant great candidates for NYC mayor but Eric Adams? I bet He told all Our community leaders he will protect the Jews! Sure He will! You better make a better choice for Governor, unless you’re planning on moving?

  9. To Milhouse: You don’t know Evangelical Xianity. At end times, i.e., the coming of Moshiach, they believe that Jews will be offered the chance to accept the Xian son of G-d as their personal savior, and if they decline, they will go immediately to gehinom. Next time you are hanging out with your Evangical pals, ask them.

  10. He’s 100% correct. This is what America needs these days. Those that despise him are the typical JINOs (Jews in name only). All these filthy ideas and laws are something that a frum Yid hates and despises. Remember, he’s not a rav he’s a president. Look what we have now. A demented piece of meat.

  11. Millhouse it’s not a lie, they believe all who don’t “repent” and accept yoshke will be destroyed.

    Also even if it’s true about liberal Jews, why single out all Jews or Jews in general that’s never a good idea.

    But one of the most disturbing things trump said was how Israel “pressured” him to take out soleimani against his own wishes and that Israel did the wrong thing here. So does he believe the notion that Israel and the Jews are responsible for all wars?

  12. Jews “No Longer Love Israel Because wicked bennett hates us since he has banished us from Israel our homeland:- Hence:- Why would/should we any longer love Israel?
    No-doubt wicked bennett’s girl friends from miss world pageantry who were so welcome to Israel adore this wicked bennett & Israel

  13. Unfortunately Mr Trump is right with Israel controlling the American Congress. THEY SURE DO. But With all due respect Mr Trump, I voted for u, I was ur fan, but pls stay out of Jewish politics.
    I, as thousands of American Jews and around the world, have 0 connections to the secular State of Israel. We are PROUD AMERICANS w NO dual loyalties. I wont make Trump into a “logical thinkig Yid” but Israel is NOT a Jewish homeland. On the contrary;America is. We can practice religion freely unlike our brethren in EY. They’re hounded down all the time. Trump doesnt grasp why we dont fall flat for his Israeli policies. He means well but a Real Jew knows that Israel does not represent Jews. Its a nationalistic idealistic Zionistic State that is totally unaffiliated with Torah Jews.
    So long for a vague explanation to Mr Trump. But unfortunately many Jewish people dont get it either and think Israel is our savior so its a lose/lose situation till Mashiach comes.
    We stand proudly with our 🇺🇸
    G d bless the USA.

    The truth hurts.
    And Chaim Eliezer’s comments above really true.

    Chaim Eliezer December 19, 2021 11:12 am
    Lots of American Jews hate Trump because he has one thing they don’t have–Jewish grandchildren.

    Trump in 2024

  15. Disturbing is that Israel had the control of the American congress. What a despicable thing. No wonder antisemitism is rampant. American people view it as America is beholden to Israel which is terrible! Why on earth shld Israel have the liberty to control US congress? Cuz they’re an ally?! So what!
    And of course the Evangelicals love Israel. They’re convinced their J will reveal himself and Israel will be theirs. When an Evangelical loves Israel, is a red flag not a sign of love to the Jewish people. They mean THEMSELVES.
    U Cant explain this to Trump but we Jews shld get it. Its a no brainer. Wake up!

  16. I giess Trump reads the comments section in the Yeshiva World.
    Are most Othodox Jews prod to be Zionists or is becoming taboo to have hakoras tatov to Hashem for
    giving us back our holy land.

  17. Trump is right – older secular Jews have become apathetic to Israel and the new generation on college campuses support the “Palestinians”

  18. nailed on the head. all these stupid people who vote democrat cant admit how bad they are for eretz yisroel. charliehall first its the total opposite when democrats say anything it goes unnoticed but republicans get bashed. 2nd trump did get alot of flak the last time he said this but… he doesnt give a hoot because its what he knows an believes unlike your ‘democratic’ flip-flops. the man is quite right

  19. Ask the tens of thousands of Israel hating Satmars in Williamsburg and Monroe or Monsey if Trump is right or not.
    Or ask the millions of reform secular Jews if Trump is right

  20. He is right. The “Jews” of the Congress sure do not. The Jews who align with the enemies of humanity do not, the Jews of Hollyweird do not, The Reform and Conservative do not.

    We became to comfortable allowing the illegal like rep Omar to have a say, when she should be sent back to Somalia

  21. Miriam is Miriam.
    Hakoras hatov for giving us back our holy land?! The land of the secular Zionists that eradicated doros of Yidden and Yidishkeir??! Thats the land u call redeemed? Heaven help!
    Hashem has absolutely NOT given our holy land back. Its in the hand of perpetrators that dont even observe His commands, His Torah.
    Its such simple math. Hashem wld grant His holy land to people that do not as much as observe the basic tenets of yidiishkeit?! Has the world gone mad! This is simple math.
    When His holiness will send Mashiach as His redeemer, only then will we GET OUR LAND BACK.
    U can all curse Satmar till eternity. They and a few other erlicha fractions are adhering to His holy commandments of not accepting a State before Hashem grants it to us WITH MASHICH OUR SAVIOR. We need to b patient. Hes on his way. Until then its all for naught.

  22. Listening to what Trump said. I see two things.
    #1, He didn’t mean us heimishe yidden, he meant to non practicing jews who have somewhat power, big positions..
    #2, It doesn’t matter how frum or non frum one is. A jew born is a jew always. Talking about Salzburg who own NYT. who even.knows they’re jews? They definitely don’t live it! Bit a jew is a jew and to a goy it’s all the same… orthodox, reform or whatever… a jew is a jew.

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