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SEE THE VIDEO: Chabad Man Bikes 400+ Miles From Crown Heights To Montreal

This isn’t something you see every day. A man from Crown Heights biked more than 400 miles from New York City all the way to Montreal, presumably as a fun summer activity and challenge.

His first stop in Montreal? Pizza Pita for a fresh hot pie, fries and onion rings. The stunned storeowner gave an impromptu interview with the bochur, Yosef Goodman, who described his journey.

Goodman said he began his journey beginning in the Bronx and rode it all the way to the Canadian border, sleeping in various Chabad houses along the way.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

10 Responses

  1. NYS Bicycle Route 9 is actually a beautiful cycling trail from NYC to Montreal, some here are probably familiar with the section from Rockland County to NYC. Well recommended!

  2. @refooel moshe, the pizza was free, the accommodations were free, see what great lengths people would go for free food.

  3. One of the dumbest article header I’ve seen on ywn.
    Imagine seen an article that says “litvish guy makes a road trip all the way to Yellowknife, Canada to see the northern lights” or “satmar man goes skydiving for the tenth time”.

  4. Was he involved in some fundraising effort, publicizing a new chabad project etc. or was this simply a vanity project by someone with too much time on his hands?

  5. Check out the warm welcome!! Go Yosef Goodman, Go Fitz Shpiegelman, and by the way,, I hope Fitz has nachas from his incredible son one of the best Rebbeim Oholei Torah has!

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