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TEHILLIM: Yigal Calek, Legendary Founder Of London School of Jewish Song, In Need Of Rachamei Shamayim

Yigal Calek, the founder of the London School of Jewish Song which revolutionized Jewish music beginning in the early 1970s, is seriously ill and in need of Rachamei Shamayim. His name for Tehillim is Yigal Yisroel ben Bluma Gittel.

Calek, a sixth grade rebbi, composer, and musical director, released his first album (Ma Navu) in 1970 with his London Pirchim Choir (which later morphed into the London School of Jewish Song), and followed it up with many more albums filled with songs that have become classics in the Jewish music genre.

Yigal and the London School of Jewish Song were not only revolutionary with their contribution of songs to the Jewish world, but were also a key player in the advent of the frum concert; prior to the London School of Jewish Song’s concert performances some 50 years ago, musical events were almost exclusively held in shul basements.

On the last night of Chanukah 2021, alumni of Yigal’s choir gathered for a reunion at his home in Golders Green to once again sing some of the songs that made the London School of Jewish Song a worldwide sensation.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

One Response

  1. Thank you for posting! It’s worth watching that link! Wish there would be more Jewish music like that!!!

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