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Early Bird Catches the…Silver?

120x60.gifBy now, Oorah’s Auction catalog, seen in mailboxes, stores and waiting rooms across the country, has been the subject of conversations and imaginations of young and not so young alike. And now there’s one more reason for donors to send in their raffle entries right away.
Everyone who sends in an order by 7 p.m. January 26, 2009 will be entered into the Auction’s Early Bird raffle. The winner chooses from three exquisite silver pieces, each one valued at $3,000. Entries can be made online at

Every entry into Oorah’s Auction helps Oorah raise money for its renowned and respected kiruv work. The Auction has become an annual tradition, generating tremendous excitement and participation with its luxurious, imaginative prizes all priced at $5 per entry.

By entering the Oorah Auction, participants can view the wide selection of prizes, which run from the typical, to the zany, to the practical.
In gratitude to its loyal supporters, Oorah also offers a choice of beautiful bonus prizes to donors of $250 or more. But the greatest reward is the chance to take part in the spiritual journey of hundreds of Oorah families.

This year, Oorah offers its donors a chance to earmark their tzedaka for one of four categories in their Power to the People campaign, delineated in the kiruv section of the Auction catalog.

By logging onto before January 26, participants have the chance to place entries on a wide range of desirable prizes, learn all about Oorah and additionally, become eligible to win a stunning silver piece that will bring a new glow to their home. Plus all online entries get put into a free $500 raffle. Most of all, they will be helping Oorah to put a new glow into the lives of hundreds of Jewish families.


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