Catskills: Special Traffic Detail Put Into Effect For M”S Nachamu

nys trooper cover.jpgAll those who have been in the Catskills for Motzei Shabbos Nachamu are familiar with the major traffic jams which occur throughout the mountains. Thousands of visitors travel to the Catskills for Shabbos – in addition to the tens of thousands already there for the summer.

To ease the traffic and ensure that things run smoothly, a meeting took place on Monday to come up with a plan to assist in moving vehicle traffic along at an easy pace. Attending the meeting was Rabbi Bernard Freilich, special assistant to the Superintendent of the New York State Police, the Sullivan County Sheriff Department, Fallsburg Police, Monticello Police, the NY State Police, and Chaplain for the Sullivan County Sheriff Department Rabbi Simcha Bernath.

Traffic details have been put in place at various locations throughout the Catskills such as the Skulener Camp in Swan Lake, the Bobover Camp in Fallsburg, the Monticello Raceway, the Town of Woodburn, the Sullivan County Community College and other locations.

They are asking everyone to please follow instructions from the police officers directing traffic.

Yeshivaworld has also been informed that numerous extra patrol cars will be cruising throughout the Catskills – and will be enforcing all traffic rules & regulations to the fullest extent of the law.

Remember, always wear your seat-belt, don’t speed, don’t talk on a cellphone while driving, say Tefillas Haderech (where applicable) – and you should not have a problem.

Most of all, please obey the officers directing traffic – and avoid making a Chillul Hashem!

Enjoy your Shabbos Nachamu! –YW Editor.

14 Responses

  1. I must say it worked to perfection. Grump reported to me that trafic was very orderly in Woodbourne DUE TO LACK OF VEHICLES. B”H the mountains were super quiet.

  2. Well you said we should stay home, and you commented on an article about traffic on MS assuming that all the traffic is generated by inapprorptiate events.

    I happen to agree with your point 100% that it is a disgrace to this special Shabbos to have these events. I just wanted to point out that there are things to do that fit in 100% with the real meaning of this Shabbos.

  3. himmelstein – Not all the Motzaei Shabbos events are what you think. The Annual Skulener Suedas Hodaah in Swan Lake for the Rebbe Shlit’a (and the Rebbe ZY”A) release from prison in 1959. It is attended thousands of people every year, and it is an event that is completely different than any of the events you are referring to.

  4. I recommend a “Roving Mashgiach Patrol” who would report directly to any number of the most popularly used ‘Shadchanim’. That would curtail most if not all of the inappropriate behavior rampant in the Catskills in the summer and particularly on M”S Nachamu.

  5. You see, I’m a little slow – so please help me out. I see Tisha B’Av as punishment for not “towing the line”. A day to retrospect on how to improve, & cause Moshiach to finally come. Hashem tells us throgh the Navi that He will menachem us (with the final Redemtion) if we menachem Him (double lashon). So please explain to me how does concerts, swinging single weekend, and the like fit in here. Now Tu B’Av celebrated with a day of learning, se’udas mitzvah, etc. I can understand. What am I missing here?

  6. Motzoei Shabbos is not a night for Shtus(Is there ever?)
    Kiddush Hashem by obeying laws,and driving safely and courteously is always in effect. If traffic is slow,don’t drive on the shoulder and at an exit,where traffic is slow(like at the Brooklyn Bridge exit on the F D R Drive)don’t drive in the left lane till the end where you’ll force traffic to stop while you squeeze in. This is Not ahavas Yisroel.In fact,if that annoys you,,don’t do to others what you find unpleasant if done to you.That is a mitzva d’Orraissa like putting on Tefillin.Let K’lal Yisroel have a nechomo in the z’chus of better middos.

  7. one should spend a little time this Shabbos into reading up about the Kedusha of Motzoi Shabbos and Melava Malka, apparently there must be extra Kedusha on Motzoi Shabbos Nachamu as it seems the Yeitzor Hora works extra hard to cheapen this night. Stay home, eat and sing Zemiros by Melava Malka which will bring so much Brocha into your house. A little learning wouldnt hurt, chances are you might be a Noitel Schar Kulom.

  8. all year long rules of the road apply, not just on “nachamu weekend” . also the officers job is to keep our roads safe. if you break the rules, you will pay the price no matter what type of a hat you wear on your head. don’t think you can speed and get cought and say you were pulled over because of the yarmulka. drive safe and shavuah tov.

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