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Bachmann & Palin Outraged At Biden For Calling Tea Party Terrorists

Vice President Biden found himself under fire Tuesday from Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) and former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin (R), who condemned alleged comments he made attacking the Tea Party.

Bachmann, a GOP presidential candidate, and Palin, a potential candidate, each reacted with outrage at a report that Biden, at a closed-door meeting with Democrats yesterday on Capitol Hill, said that Tea Party Republicans had “acted like terrorists” in negotiations over a debt-ceiling compromise.

Bachmann, who identifies heavily with the Tea Party, emailed supporters late Monday night to ask them to sign a petition demanding an apology from Biden. She joined Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus in asking Biden to apologize.

Only in the bizarro world of Washington is fiscal responsibility sometimes defined as terrorism,” Bachmann wrote.

Palin also expressed outrage during an interview Monday night on Fox News.

“What we’re feeling is that growing more debt isn’t going to get us out of debt, and raising taxes in a down economy is a bad idea, and we’re taking a stand in light of those,” she said. “And so to be called a terrorist because of our beliefs from the vice president, it’s quite appalling. It’s quite vile.”


9 Responses

  1. Just proves once again that Obama and company are out to destroy the US. Who is the real Terrorist in this country, who showed no leadership whats so ever and walked out of a meeting with Congressional leaders, who did not propose their own plan, who went on national TV and asked Americans to call their congressman.
    The president is tell common citizens to call their congressman because the president apparently does not have the ability to talk to congress himself.
    How long would a CEO, president, manager or supervisor last in the private sector if the were unable to talk to their subordinates and lead their staff. One day maybe two.
    Obama has had 2 and half years and still is unable to lead, so much for on the job training.

  2. Such thin skins these Know Nothings have…

    Let’s see:

    They hold the debt ceiling increase hostage to blackmail, tieing it to a partisan policy objective, an unprecedented action…

    …they engage in “Big Lie” demagoguery, routinely and grossly incorrectly labeling revenue ehnacing proposals as “job killing”…while professional economists across the board agree that to reduce federal spending at a time of near recession and high unemployment will only hurt employment and the economy further…

    …they lie some more by accusing people who are opposed to their particular debt reducing strategy of being opposed to debt reduction…

    …they fool plain folk like most of you into believing that you and your family are not going to be hurt materially by this, while shmeering any proposal to raise revenues as job killing, economic data notwithstanding …

    …they ideologically and stubbornly hold to a trickle down economic theory that has never been shown to work in fact…

    …they precipitate a likelihood of credit rating downgrades, threatening everyone with defacto surcharges on just about everything we buy or borrow;

    …they subject themselves and United States to riducule in The Economist and other internationally respected econoimic journals;

    …and they routinely slur their oponents with accustations of only wanting to spend money, with being unpatriotic or “socialist”

    And they cry foul when Biden calls them terrorists…gee, it seem,s to me that the terrorist hyperbole is not so off base.

  3. YonasanW: I do not profess to be an economic expert or even much of a מבין in this subject BUT alot of what you write is absolutely ridiculous….
    …Why is it a BIG LIE to say that raising taxes is a job killer? Just because spending cuts may also slow down the economy does not mean that raising taxes won’t do the same. It is a simple logic that a business that will need to increase its tax payments will have less money available to spend and cuts are usually the first reaction. The government has to release money into the economy not suck it out to increase employment levels. True that government spending cuts also can have a slowdown effect but raising taxes is almost guaranteed to increase unemployment.
    …Do you not agree that if Obama could (i.e. if he had a majority in Congress too), he would have raised the debt ceiling AND increased government spending? We are now not that long before elections…. So to call the Democrats of being against debt reduction is quite true. Obama is only ready to talk about debt reduction because he is being forced to, not because he believes in it.
    …I think that every normal person understands that government cuts will affect them in some way, whether less welfare support, less police, less defence etc. Obviously the cuts are going to cut…. The only point that the Republicans stressed here is that raising taxes is going to affect jobs – this is true as explained before (what economic data are you refering to?)
    …Fortunately the “trickle down” economic theory has been proven. Actually in our own yard – Israel. Netanyahu, as finance minister in the early 2000’s, did exactly that! He cut government spending drastically and actually lowered taxes too (including indirect taxation) and when the world recession hit, Israel was one of the only modern countries that was almost unaffected and still today has one of the strongest economies and is managing to lower its national debt even in these difficult world times.
    …The credit rating downgrades are only threats if there will be a default NOT if they cut spending and not if they raise taxes. This line was used by both sides to try to pressure the others into agreeing to their worldview. I fail to understand your anger with the Republicans here.
    …Any ridicule is subject to a political outlook. If the writer is a democrat/liberal then they will ridicule the Tea Party’s, if the author is a rightist/republican then the Obamaites are laughed at. Obvious, no?
    …The slurs are totally both ways and the accusations equal on both sides and yes both sides cry foul when they catch a big name saying a comment…. How boring!!!!

  4. Let me tell you something, they are NOT the only ones furious of the Veep on that one. The Veep has NO right to talk about any citizens of this country like that just because the almighty liberal he is disagrees with them. HKBH should deal with him accordingly.

  5. If these two are outraged, it must be good.
    Joe Biden is no diplomat but he does call them as he sees them, and in this case his vision is 20/20.

  6. Oh get over it. Biden was trying to make a point. No worse than Rush calling feminists feminazis. And Biden is right! The immature tea party is ruining our country.

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