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Bnei Akiva Leader Joins ‘Protest Of Losers’

A number of IDF reservists, high schoolers and parents of soldiers protested on Thursday morning, in what they called the “protest of losers”, those who serve in the IDF as the chareidim evade military service. Also present, and proud of it, was Danny Hirschberg, the director-general of Bnei Akiva, the largest Zionist youth movement in Israel. The protestors told Galei Tzahal (Army Radio) that this “is not a onetime event, but rather the beginning of a new grassroots movement to eliminate the Tal Law”.

Hirschberg visited the makeshift protest tend in Tel Aviv to identify with them, to tell them they have the full backing of Bnei Akiva, with the organization standing firmly behind calls for all citizens to pull their weight and do their share.

He explained to fellow protestors that “Bnei Akiva doesn’t get involved in politics”, Arutz-7 reports, “but as a movement that educates its members towards learning Torah and serving the nation, they feel IDF or national service is essential for a solution must be found in which the entire nation shares the national load without compromising limud Torah”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

21 Responses

  1. Perhap someone should protest the people from at least somewhat frum homes who are failing to do their duty to learn Torah and thereby preserve the Jewish people.

    I know Rabbi Akiva was a great scholar and tsadik, but we do have to remember that we are here today because of those who “shirked” the war effort against the goyim and ran off to concentrate on learning Torah.

  2. Elimanate th tal law and empower iran.
    We need the Kol Yackov to counteract the yidei esuv. If single jew was shomrei torah umitzvos, and learning full time. We would have NO issue with any foreghn nation and No issue with parnassah. Mashiach would have come long ago.

  3. You state:
    “those who serve in the IDF as the chareidim evade military service.”
    Can you explain to me the obvious steara, “those who serve in the IDF” how can they “evade military service” if they serve in the IDF they seem some how to be in the IDF. What they need to be a pilot or a front line soldier or what? Not everyone is suitable for everything.
    What are you trying to say?

  4. This wouldn’t sound so hypocritical if not for the fact that dodgers of the draft are actually largely comprised of chilonim…no one seems to care about that-

  5. A solution must be found for the entire nation to share the load without compromising Limud HaTorah. Thats not possible and if they don’t realize this then the really are foolish protesters!

  6. Bnei Akiva’s primary ration de’etre’ is: Eretz Yisrael Le’am Yisrael al pi Torat Yisrael. In this near-sighted move to identify with the protestors, Bnei Akiva is taking a stand on dividing THE Am Yisrael & this, in Eretz Yisrael. Also, if the army can’t provide a Torah framework to those in the army, Bnei Akiva is compromising the 3rd tenant on which they stand.

  7. Kol HaKavod !!
    What else did you think? Why don’t all hesder Yeshivot join?
    Imagine if this would be the muslims….. milions would be out protesting!!!!!!!
    Hashem Yeracheim.

  8. yuch. read: we arent ashamed of going out in public and equating army service with limud dvar Hashem.
    Actually, I retract that. Read: we arent ashamed of openly stating that idf service carries more weight with us then limud dvar Hashem.

    Thats better.

  9. If the Bnei Akiva would become “winners” and give up their comfortable semi-secular lifestyle for the rigors (especially economically) of learning Torah all day, Eretz Yisrael might finally become safe and secure. Certainly shooting people isn’t helping much.

  10. the bottom line is that many people “learning” in yeshiva are there only to evade military service. They would love to get a job. Unfortunately they are stuck and cannot get a job due to social and draft pressure. Speak to your relatives in Isarel. I was recently in Isarel. the poverty is appaling. The collectors are numerous. It is downright embarrasing. People work in America, they can work in Israel too. The country should eliminate all bituach leumi payments and not allow you to be an MK unless you serve the country. (Hatzalah, Zaka, shomer at the kosel or at a yeshiva is fine.)

  11. To akuperma and others of his his shirking ilk…hishtadlus means nothing to you when the hishtadlus is military service.

    Israel is here today ALSO because of the sacrifice of the vast majority of Israelis who proudly defer their plans and ambitions to serve in the IDF, and especially because of those who sacrificed their bodies and their lives.

    Stop advocating for the parasite draft dodgers.

  12. Bnei Akiva members has a philosophy of Torah Ve Avodah. They also serve in the IDF in various programs which include learning in excellent Yeshivot as well as IDF service. Many people from Bnei Akiva continue on to become great leaders and highly respected Rabbonim all over the world. I agree 100% with their philosophy.

  13. After reading all of the prior postings I still haven’t seen ANY clear statement of why the chareidim cannot find some form of alternative public service if they don’t want to serve in the active military. They can take off a year or two from their learning and serve as custodians, hospital aides, nurses, school guards, etc. which would avoid the issues they cite of kok ishah, etc, and free up others to serve in the army. They might also, c’v, get some useful job skills that would help them earn a parnassah once their public service obligation has been fulfilled rather than going back and sitting in kollel and begging for tzadakah to serve their families.

  14. I was recently in yerushayim, there are signs up protesting that individuals are taking courses to get job skills. the signs stated that more details will follow regarding protests. the fake leaders/instigators don’t want the average folks to work so that they will always be dependent. this is an emabarssment to judaism and humanity at large. The signs do nit mention military service. teh bottm line is that in 1948, everyone fought. if you don’t like teh rules of your host country – move. Israel should be treated as any other country.

  15. @Gadolhatorah Again, you seem to have missed the boat and commented without thinking! The posts above weren’t discussing kol Isha or such matters, they were discussing the idea that the merit of the Torah saves us from calamity. The Talmud states that one who says, what do Talmidei Chachamim help me, is one who isn’t included among the Jews! The idea that the kolel guys are just parasites is saying that all those people do is for themselves and not for others. This goes against the foundations of the Torah which tells us that the learning of the Torah saves us.

  16. @Gadolhadorah Please try to read all info and think before you post. Most commentaters post things that at least have some sense to them, and have what to do with the conversation. Your comments seem to continuesly go off topic and are missing basic facts or/and thought. When you write that you read all posts and then argue against points that haven’t even been brought up or bring out facts that aren’t facts at all on a CONTINUES basis, it makes it difficult to give any stock to your words. Hope your not insulted, its just getting out of hand!

  17. All the gedolim ruled that serving in the IDF is assur. That ends the legitimate debate. Those going against the gedolim are insulting them and Hashem.

  18. Loyal Jew – all the gedolim say its assur? You are insulting many gedolim that not only say its mutar but its an ideal to serve in the army. Second of all, only the elite should sit and learn, not an entire sect. Not all chareidim are meant or have the ability to learn all day. You would be doing many of them a favor by forcing them to serve and thus allowing them to get jobs and support their family

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