4 Shabbos Protestors Arrested in Yerushalayim

Dozens of protestors took part in the weekly Shabbos demonstration on HaNevi’im Street to decry Jerusalem City Hall’s operating the Karta parking lot. While protests take place weekly, this Shabbos’ event became unruly and led to the arrest of four participants for the first time in many weeks.

The four are being charged with disturbing the peace. Kikar Shabbat reports one Arab passerby was lighty injured as a result of being hit by a rock.

It should be pointed out that the Eida Chareidis rabbonim in the pashkavilim for the event call on participants to remain on the sidewalks only, not to enter the street, and to remain peaceful.

Out of the ordinary, Gavaad HaGaon HaRav Yitzchok Tuvia Weiss Shlita and Asra Kadisha’s Rav Dovid Smeidal were on hand during this week’s protest.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. Hopefully, they will keeep these guys in jail for a few days so maybe next shabbos they will stay home with their families or listen to the rebbeaim who say to keep such protests peaceful. Why don’t they focus on their own hashkafah and leave alone the frei yidden and tourists who want to drive on shabbos. I’m sure there are enough issues in their own lives that would benefit from musar.

  2. They should stop these protests already.

    1. It breeds violence, warnings to the contrary
    not withstanding.

    2. These protests don’t accomplish anything.

    3. They make truly important Hafgonos, like against
    grave descectations, impotent. Rav Shmeidal should
    know better.

    If the Eidah realy wanted to stop mass Chillul Shabbos, they should have voted en masse for R’ Meir Porush for Mayor. They and, even more so Gur, share the blame for the sorry situation in Yerusholayim.

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