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Major Layoffs Expected Following Lower Cell Phone Rates in Israel

Channel 2 News reported on Tuesday evening, that in light of the “explosion” in the cellular telephone industry today, both Partner (Orange) and Cellcom will be compelled to layoff at least 1,000 employees each if they can hope to compete with the new rates and monthly packages offered to subscribers.

The report explained that the major firms mentioned simply are “too heavy”, weighted down with too many staffer as compared to the new Golan Telecom, which is maintaining a minimum staff and trying to do as much business via the company’s website.

The report concludes that the veteran cellular companies are already working to formulate competitive packages and subscribers can expect to hear more good news in the cellular marketplace in the coming week, for if Cellcom and Orange lag for too long, they will lose too many subscribers.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. It’s funny that these brand new companies are able to offer deals that are less than half the price, with less restrictions then the old companies. Those companies deserve to rot for all the monopolistic cheating they have done to everyone.

  2. From which you should subtract the people who find jobs at the new companies. Based on the rest of the world’s experience, competition will result in lower prices, more of the product being used, and more jobs overall (though obviously the companies that are less efficient will fall by the wayside).

  3. Its about time cellcom have their well deserved downfall. Cheat, rob and trick is how they empty your pockets. Soif Haganav Litliyah!!!

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