Yitzchak Pas: We Will Act if Left Without an Alternative

Speaking to HaKol HaYehudi, Hebron resident Yitzchak Pas explained “if the IDF does not act then we will take action ourselves”. Pas is the father of terror victim 10-month-old Techiya Shalhevet Pas HY”D, who was murdered by an Arab sniper’s bullet in 2001. Yitzchak was wounded by gunfire in that attack as well.

“We have the ability to respond ourselves. If the army does not act, we will take care of our security” stated Mr. Pas following rock-throwing attacks against children in the community’s Avraham Avinu neighborhood. Two children were injured as a result, baruch Hashem their injuries were light. One of the injured was Nachla, 10, a sister of Techiya HY”D.

“The playground is situated in the Jewish neighborhood. How can such a place be dangerous” asked Pas, who added “There are a number of IDF positions near the playground that are not being manned. They only remember us after someone is hurt, then soldiers are assigned there.”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. Aryeh,
    How can you speak with such disregard and borderline chutzpa about/to someone? Maybe if we ALL did a little more, we wouldn’t be in this position we as a KLAL find ourselves in…areivim KOL yisrael zeh l’zeh

  2. TO: WestSideYid…

    I don’t believe that Mr. Zelasko was intending to be chutzpa’dik.
    I think what he was saying was that certain things are better not talked about, – just done.

  3. My apologies Aryeh, I misunderstood the context in which you directed your comment…please excuse my rash judgement

  4. Aryeh, he’s trying to avoid the need for taking the law into his own hands. He’s trying to warn the army that they had better protect the Jewish children, so that the parents don’t have to.

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