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Chief Rabbi Dovid Lau Calls On Chareidi Parties To Act Following High Court Ruling

Chief Rabbi of Israel Rabbi Dovid Lau Shlita, who is in charge of Kashrus in Israel, attacks the High Court of Justice’s decision to allow restaurants to present themselves as kosher without a certificate from the Chief Rabbinate.

In a letter sent by Rabbi Lau to Aryeh Deri, Yaakov Litzman and Moshe Gafni, the rabbi writes: “The main decision is that the only authority to issue a kashrus certificate is the Chief Rabbinate, but as usual, the court added something that essentially uprooted everything. “The court ruled that” a restaurant is permitted to present a true representation of the standards and that it adheres to them but without using the word ‘kosher’ which also includes an explicit clarification that it does not have a kosher certificate.”

“If we were dealing with fraud in the trial,” writes the chief rabbi, “this decision would serve as an example, regarding how can one give authority on matters of kashrus solely to the Rabbinate, but on the other hand everyone can assume that he is telling the truth. Despite the conflict of interests, both monetary and other, what significance can there be to the Rabbinate being responsible because the word ‘kosher’’ appears.

Rabbi Lau argues that “this decision is an opening for fraud, and more than it deals with matters of law and rights and it reveals the face and outlook of those sitting there” i.e. the hashkafa of the justices of the court.

Rabbi Lau explains the justices of the court have exceeded their authority by dealing with kashrus, warning the situation will deteriorate to hefker.

Rabbi Lau turns to the heads of chareidi factions in Knesset to take action to reverse the court’s ruling with legislation. He warns the public will be duped. He questions if the court is also expert in medical matters, or construction or development, “but nevertheless it dares to permit everyone to act as one pleases and when it comes to Toras Yisrael, halacha and tradition, it appears everything is permissible.”

Rabbi Lau concludes, “In order to avoid widespread fraud, I turn to you to act to prevent this new situation from occurring by stopping the decision that delivers a blow to the tzibur which maintains tradition, citizens of the State of Israel.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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