Peleg Calls to Renew Protests on Monday for a Second Consecutive Day

Following the violent protests on Sunday afternoon and evening, the Peleg branch on Monday, 2 Kislev, announces protests will resume today at 2:30pm.

The announcement reads, “In line with instructions from HaGaon HaRav Shmuel Auerbach Shlita, take to the streets to protest on behalf of Kovod Hatorah which is being humiliated to the ground to protest the jailing of the best of the Torah and yeshivos, who are sitting in military prison for the past weeks.

We are taking to the streets today in all areas of the country beginning at 2:30pm.

The Save the World Committee said:
The Israeli government must internalize the fact that the chareidi public in Eretz Yisrael is not a partner in the sale of the Torah world, which is being carried out by representatives of the chareidi public. The entire Torah world will continue to shake the entire world until the full status quo is restored in which there are no conditions and induction quotas in turn for not drafting bnei yeshivos.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

16 Responses

  1. Instead of protesting, if they have nothing to do, they should go to the Kosel and say Tehillim all day for The Vishnitzer Rebbe (Monsey) Rav Shteinman (BB) and Rav Schneebalg ( Manchester) all of whom are in real need of Refuos as well as the countless other Yidden around the world who are in need of Yeshuos

  2. The announcement reads, “In line with instructions from ……, take to the streets to protest on behalf of Bitul Hatorah and Chilul Hashem which is being promulgated on to the ground to protest the jailing of the best of the Torah and yeshivos who couldn’t find a half hour of their really busy day to fill out army paper work and comply with the law and therefore are sitting in military prison for the past weeks.
    This way when no one goes to the army we can let any of the following take over – Hamas, Islamic Jihad, PA, Hezbollah, Iran etc
    Then you will see how many yeshivos will be operating in eretz yisrael.
    And by the way with these protests how much shfichas damim has taken place because anbulances couldn’t get thru or crucial doctors appointments were missed etc.

  3. The Palestinians should hold their own protests mimicking what these “charedim” are doing. Then they will put some real pressure on the police and government– either treat them with the same white gloves as they are treating the “charedim”, or arrest them in a blatant display of double-standards.

  4. rkefrat,

    How much bitul torah and bizoyon hatorah will there be if the army needlessly drafts Yeshiva bochurim for the purpose of shmad to turn them away from yiddishkeit and turn them into good suicidal Leftists.

    The army recently cut the draft of non Orthodox because they didn’t need any more soldiers. The only reason they are going after bnei yeshiva is for shmad to empty Leftist atheism and self hatred of Israel.

  5. Joseph:

    If these thugs cared for the Torah, they would be in the beis medrash learning away, dedicating the zechus of their learning for a resolution to the problem. They might even broach the traditional avenue of tefiloh and tehilim. But, no. These guys are a bunch of “laydig gayers” who are looking for entertainment and drama, and blame their aveiros of chilul Hashem, mazik es chaveiro, and bitul Torah on the Torah itself. That is blasphemous.

    Think for a moment. Let’s say this protest baloney was actually effective. You might justify the means by the end. But these fools have seen the sentences that were doled out. Fact proves their strategy ineffective. Returning to do more is Einstein’s definition of insanity, “Doing the same thing and expecting a different result”. The obvious conclusion is that the yetzer horah’s passion has overruled here, and that these protesters are in no way doing anything lesheim Shomayim, just getting their kinks out.

    It is high time the Gedolei Yisroel proclaimed these thugs to be baalei aveiroh and haters of Torah.

  6. Hey Joe:
    And when they “paralyze” Tel Aviv and a member of your family is c’v being rushed to the hospital and the ambulance is unable to get there on time because of the gridlock, will you tell us “it was for a good cause”???

  7. rkefrat: you have been brainwashed by the Zionists in thinking it is the Zionist army that protects klal yisroel, it is not the Torah kedosha protects, if anything the Zionists army harms us as it is an army where pritzus is everywhere and rachmana litzlan Jewish boys and girls are in mixed quarters and the Zionists force Yidden to share beards. There is no heter to go into the army in line with Daas Torah since the days of the Chazan Ish. The ZIonists army is incapable of protecting us, as Gaza and Hezbollah lodge rockets at will and Arabs stab yidden at will, and the Zionists put people who kill Arabs in jail ever heard of Elor Azaria? The Torah protects.

  8. It is ironic that these people don’t just go daven and learn for the zchus that the medina change its rules. What?! They also need to some hishtadlus, and davening/learning is not always enough by itself!? Can you spell irony….

  9. nowecant:

    I am not a zionist. But you fail to see a reality. Let’s give an example. Someone is sick or suffered a serious injury. Well, if this individual is a true maamin, he should absolutely NOT go to the hospital or see a doctor. After all, it is Hashem who heals. Correct? כי אני ה’ רופאך.

    Israel (regardless of what ideology is adopted by the government) is a target. The cursed Arabs who surround them want Jewish blood, without regard to whether one is a zionist or not. The country is in constant danger. With all the emunoh in Hashem being the force of defense to protect Klal Yisroel, there is a derech of providing for this via gashmiyus. Like we use doctors and hospitals for health care and medical needs, we need armies to be the front line protection. We know that their power comes from Hashem. And no one is denying that the Torah being learned in E”Y and elsewhere provide the zechus for that protection.

    So your nonsense about staying away from the draft because it is only the Torah that protects is not Torah true, anymore than avoiding hospitals and doctors is Torah mandated. Quite the opposite. מכאן שניתן רשות לרופא לרפאות. I do not disagree with the challenges that the army has placed with issurim of pritzus, etc. Those issues will not be scrubbed by the nonsensical bitul Torah and chilul Hashem of these thugs. There are other ways to deal with those issues, and they will show much more for their bucks than this violence and mayhem. Hashem wants us to have armies, and the Torah devotes quite a bit to the guidance how to do that. I would hope you can find those psukim yourself, but can provide chapter and verse if you need. Meanwhile, you don’t need to be a zionist to engage in being the שליח to protect our brothers of Klal Yisroel. You just need the midos to care for another Yid, and the emunoh that Hashem wants us to be His front line protectors.

  10. With all due respect to above comments, I don’t see why they are being bashed here. We have to understand their point of view. They DO have Dass Torah behind them, they are following Moron HaGoan Harav Shmuel Orabach Shlita, that Rav Schach zt”l said on him, that, He will be the leader of Klall Yisroel. They live in a democracy in a country of free peach, and are entitled to voice their opinion, same as we would do in the USA today.

    Why bash them? instead one should Understand them!

  11. I don’t support these protest under the current circumstances. But if ch’v the proposed draft laws come into effect I would support them. Seeing these protest now will make secular Israelis think twice before trying mass arrests of Yeshiva Bochrim if the draft laws ch’v go into effect.

  12. who said that they have to join the army? all they require is to fill out paper work and they get the deferment. So by not following the law they get arrested spend time in jail learn less torah and draw others into doing the same. The purpose of the army is not shmad as some feel, rather its to defend Jews against the many forces that spend there entire existence in how to kill Jews. Why is it that the overwhelming majority of Gedolim agree with allowing their talmidim to fill out the paper work if its such a terrible thing?

  13. Chesssed:

    You have missed the point. The matter is not whether we or other agree or disagree with the shittoh of Rav Auerbach shlit”a. And I am not one who minimizes the right to free “speech” (not peach). They can opine all they want. I am thoroughly disgusted by the license these protesters have assumed to violate the rights of everyone else by blocking streets, inflicting damage on public and private property, and by the creation of chilul Hashem, desecrating Hashem’s Name by claiming to do this for Him. Their opinions can be debated, and I do not take a side. But when they stop me from getting to and from my work, home, shopping, or to a shiur, they are nothing more than criminals. When they stop an ambulance from getting to a hospital or to a patient, they are murderers. That is unacceptable on basic moral grounds, al pi Torah, and I will never givem a pass on this.

    Their excuses are rejected. Bottom line is that these are thugs who are more interested in the mayhem and bitul Torah than the learning. I want their names publicized everywhere so that we can be forewarned of their violent tendencies and their true lack of dedication to Limud Hatorah so that we can avoid taking these criminals for potential shidduchim for our children.

  14. The announcement reads, “In line with instructions from ……, take to the streets to protest on behalf of Bitul Hatorah and Chilul Hashem which is being promulgated on to the ground to protest the jailing of the best of the Torah and yeshivos who couldn’t find a half hour of their really busy day to fill out army paper work and comply with the law and therefore are sitting in military prison for the past weeks.
    This way when no one goes to the army we can let any of the following take over – Hamas, Islamic Jihad, PA, Hezbollah, Iran etc
    Then you will see how many yeshivos will be operating in eretz yisrael.
    And by the way with these protests how much shfichas damim has taken place because anbulances couldn’t get thru or crucial doctors appointments were missed etc.

  15. You have missed the point. The matter is not whether we or other agree or disagree with the shittoh of Rav Auerbach shlit”a. And I am not one who minimizes the right to free “speech” (not peach). They can opine all they want. I am thoroughly disgusted by the license these protesters have assumed to violate the rights of everyone else by blocking streets, inflicting damage on public and private property, and by the creation of chilul Hashem, desecrating Hashem’s Name by claiming to do this for Him. Their opinions can be debated, and I do not take a side. But when they stop me from getting to and from my work, home, shopping, or to a shiur, they are nothing more than criminals. When they stop an ambulance from getting to a hospital or to a patient, they are murderers. That is unacceptable on basic moral grounds, al pi Torah, and I will never givem a pass on this.

    Their excuses are rejected. Bottom line is that these are thugs who are more interested in the mayhem and bitul Torah than the learning. I want their names publicized everywhere so that we can be forewarned of their violent tendencies and their true lack of dedication to Limud Hatorah so that we can avoid taking these criminals for potential shidduchim for our children.

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