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Israel: Central Election Committee Gets Tough Against Disabled Scam

Central Election Committee officials report that in the last general election, in 2009, hundreds of students faked being disabled so they could vote in their school as opposed to making their way to a polling station. The students simply wished to save time and money and avoid the travel.

As such, the committee is amending the election law. A person arriving at a polling area for the disabled who does not appear disabled or have documentation attesting to a disability, will be compelled to sign a statement attesting to a limited ability to ambulate. If it is learned that the person made a false declaration, the person will face criminal charges and six months imprisonment.

In the upcoming election, there will be 900 polling stations nationwide with easy access for the disabled in the event one’s regular polling station does not have access for persons with limited mobility.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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