With the deadline for submitting election lists approaching on Thursday, 22 Kislev 5773, some parties have submitted their list, including Rabbi Chaim Amsellem’s Am Shalem Party.
The list was submitted on Wednesday, 21 Kislev. The party’s first position is held by the rabbi, followed by Moshe Tzarfati (55), a member of the dati leumi community, director of the party since it was founded, an IDF lt.-colonel (reserves) and a high-tech person.
Third slot goes to Reuven Agassi (72), also with his hand in high-tech as well as a member of the “Share the Burden” forum demanding chareidim serve in the military. He is a colonel in the IDF reserves and acts as an advisor to many high tech firms.
Fourth – Daniela Yakira (39), a women’s rights activist as well as an activist for the disabled. She herself is wheelchair bound.
Fifth – Maxim Oknin (47), who describes himself as not frum but traditional. Until recently, he was a deputy mayor in Arad.
Sixth – Meirav Ben-David followed by Meir Ben-Chaim, with the latter playing a role in establishing Nachal Chareidi and finally, Rabbi Uriel Constantine, rav of the Beit El Shul in Tel Aviv.
Rabbi Amsellem tells the media that he is proud of his list, one that represents a cross-section of Am Yisrael, one that truly represents achdus and working together for the common good.
(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)
3 Responses
For shame.
Have success, Rav Amselem has a future!!
Sounds like a Dati Leumi ticket, with a bit of spice. Like the old Mafdal.