Maran Rav Ovadia: We Are Surrounded by Enemies & Haters

Maran HaGaon HaRav Ovadia Yosef Shlita stated that if the “harsh gezeira” moves ahead and talmidei yeshivos are drafted, the talmidim will be left without an option and they will have to leave Eretz Yisrael.

“We are surrounded by Enemies and those who hate us” the Gadol Hador stated during a shiur. Rav Ovadia stressed repeatedly the seriousness of the situation and the ongoing effort to halt limud Torah by drafting avreichim, stating one must vote for either Shas of Yahadut Hatorah.

Rav Ovadia told listeners that “one day we will each be compelled to give a din v’cheshbon of our actions, and no one wishes to be counted among those who abandoned Torah.”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

7 Responses

  1. This statement by Rav Yosef sounds like a bit of pre-election hyperbole. They are not “surrounded by Enemies and those who hate us” unless Yosef is referring to the millions of arabs in neighboring states who would have invaded and destroyed EY but for their fear of the IDF (which Yosef has instructed his followers to boycott). Perhaps if we had a bit less campaign rhetoric and more achdus to confront the real enemies of EY, there would be more respect across the poltical spectrum

  2. If the government pushes through with its plan to force all yeshiva students (and eventually the women as well, the Israeli Supreme Court made no exception based on gender) to serve several years in the military at age 18, it will probably force the Hareidi community to decide between zionism and Torah, and R. Yosef knows that frum Jews will prefer Torah – even if it means the end of the medinah.

  3. Rabbi ovadya yosef is gadol hador, what right do you have to refer to him with out a title. Be ashamed of your self gadolhadora:-(

  4. Gadolhadorah seems to be living in never-never land. Israel IS surround by enemies from Lebanon on the North, Syria on the East, PLO also, Egypt and Gaza on the South, Iran building a nuclear weapon to use against us.

    We have Jewish Lefties in Israel who hate us here in Israel and abroad there is no lacking of anti-Semites.

    True Achdus is very important, especially now, still we don’t have it in a large measure partly due to elections.

  5. “Gadolhadora” –

    Right, “THEY” are not surrounded by Enemies and those who hate us, WE are. It’s true that there are some secular who don’t really hate us, but they are maneuvered by the demagoguery of those who do hate us and feel threatened by the Torah. When I was in yeshiva in the US during the Viet Nam war I received a deferment as a yeshiva student. Does Israel have to be more democratic than the US?

    But then maybe you say “they” because you are not one of us, judging from the way you refer to the rav as “Yosef”.

  6. How about showing a little more respect for our gedolim? Calling a gadol “Yosef” shows a flagrant disregard for the Rav’s kavod and for kavod haTorah. Perhaps if we had more respect for our gedolim and daas Torah we wouldn’t be in the matzav we’re in now.

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