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OU Supports Federal Legislation to Prevent Gun Violence

gunToday, the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America – the nation’s largest Orthodox Jewish umbrella organization– expressed its support for federal legislation to prevent gun violence.

Nathan Diament, UOJCA executive director for public policy, issued the following statement ahead of this week’s anticipated United States Senate consideration of gun safety legislation:

“The Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America has long supported common sense gun safety legislation – including banning assault weapons – and other meaningful efforts to reduce gun violence.

In the wake of the tragic deaths of children and teachers in Newtown, Connecticut, the Orthodox Union pledged to ‘join with all Americans of good will to assure the security of our children and our places of learning.’

Of course, all Americans – whether adults or children, in all places, whether in a school, synagogue, shopping mall or movie theatre – should be as free of the fear and threat of gun violence as we can reasonably assure.

We urge Senators to pass legislation this week that contains constructive and practical measures that will help assure a safer and more secure American society.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

3 Responses

  1. No. 1: If the US Supreme Court determines that the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment protects toeiva marriage, would you expect the OU to be silent on the subject?

  2. #1 has it right. The OU (and unfortunately many of our politicians) does not know the first thing about firearms. The OU should stick to a subject it has knowledge about. Passing all the proposed gun laws will NOT stop a criminal from, chas v’shalom, shooting up the next school. So what then? More laws? The NRA had it right. There should be an armed presence at every school. But, unfortunately, that seems not to be a politically correct response to gun violence in our schools.

    #2, get a life. Do you really think your comparison is valid?

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