IDF Homefront Report Paints a Very Worrisome Picture

chwAccording to an IDF Homefront Command report obtained by Ynet, in the event of a chemical attack against Israel there would be no advanced warning and the nation at present stands ill prepared regarding gas mask personal protection kits for citizens.

The international community is now aware of the vast chemical weaponry storage warehouses maintained by the crumbling regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. Among Israel’s fears is the fact that these non-conventional weapons may fall into the hands of Hizbullah or other Iranian backed Islamic fundamentalist terrorists.

“As of 2010, the preparedness of government offices and authorities against unconventional weapons threat is medium-low,” the Home Front Defense Ministry’s report states according to Ynet. The experts fear that due to events taking place in Syria accompanied by increasing regional instability, the likelihood of a chemical weapons attack against Israel has risen significantly.

Regarding a chemical attack, the Homefront Command experts are now speaking of a “High probability and medium severity”. An attack involving a biological weapon is rated medium probability and high severity and radiological terror (use of radioactive materials) – medium probability and low severity.

The primary fear surrounds a loss of control of Syria’s chemical weapons storehouses which may result in an attack against Israel.

To date, only about 58% of the country has updated its personal protection gas mask kit.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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