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Petition to the High Court to Compel Draft of Bnei Yeshivos, Without Delay

idffThe Movement for Quality Government (MQG) on Tisha B’Av 5773 petitioned the High Court of Justice, seeking to compel the draft of bnei yeshivos, without delays. The petition seeks a court injunction that prevents Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon delaying the draft of thousands of bnei Torah, which is currently scheduled for August 2013.

The petition is a response to Ya’alon’s statements that he may grant a deferment from service for bnei yeshivos born in 1994-1995, as was reported by YWN-ISRAEL.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. Anyone who believes that drafting the bnei yeshiva should be aware that the people responsible for the defense of the medinah don’t want them. As it is, they are “laying off” soldiers since they have more than they need, and want to get rid of all but the best trained and most highly motivated ones. The last thing they want is a bunch of insubbordinate and potentially disloyal hareidi being drafted.

    The efforts to draft the yeshiva students are motivated purely by hatred of Torah. There is no sense arguing with them, any more than it would have worked to try to talk Hitler out of the holocaust.

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