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With Sukkos on the Horizon the Sikrikim are at Work in Geula

lulavWith the large arba minim shuk at the Schneller complex and the influx of many shoppers to Malchei Yisrael Street, the Geula area of Yerushalayim is abuzz. While shopkeepers wait all year for this time period, Tishrei, the sikrikim feel the shoppers coming from all around represent an invasion into their space and compromised tznius.

Seeking to distance shoppers and possibly to gain attention, they splashed tainted fish oil along the length of Malchei Yisrael and the stench on the hot summer day is quite noticeable. Police responded along with municipal inspectors, with the latter working to get rid of the unwanted and most unpleasant odor.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

9 Responses

  1. You capitalized “Sikrikim” in the headline – which suggests a proper noun for an organized group with members, leaders, and rabbinical advisors (something similar to a terrorist organization sponsored by leading rabbanim or a major beis din). In the text you wrote it lower case, suggesting nothing more than individuals acting on their own with no organization and no interest in daas Torah (perhaps equivalent to “vandals” or “hoodlums”).

    So why not give some details (and remember that good journalisms give their sources).

  2. Sikrikim: the correct spelling is “sick-raikim”, they are sick people empty (raik) of Jewish values. They think that only they alone are the true Jews and anyone else is a threat to their existence.

  3. Maybe I’m dense but I thought these guys were super-frum and were trying to make sure everyone is following halahca. Thus, why would they spread this farshtunkene oil to make it less attractive for yidden to come to the arba minim shuk? The article is unclear as to their motiviation.

  4. Of course when they come t NYC to collect they smile at my door but when my wife comes to mesh sharim dressed 100% kosher they pour bleach on her.
    The trade of doesn’t seam fair I give them they pour bleach on me ???

  5. For everyone’s information, the term sikrikim is used in the talmud gittin 5th perek to describe burglurous thugs. Look it up
    No one is denying it.

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