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Deri: Maran was Pained by Porush’s Betrayal

porSpeaking with Kol Berama Radio host Mordechai Lavi on Tuesday’s 11 Cheshvan 5774 “Eight to Ten” morning program, Shas leader Aryeh Deri spoke about a number of current event items. Among them was Maran’s ZT”L call to Meir Porush, to have his son Sruly drop out of the Elad mayoral race.

Deri began by stressing the difficulties in returning to a regular routine following the petira of Maran. “We no longer have the urim v’tumim to direct us, the daily minyan and his fountain of Torah, the words that would carry me throughout the day…”

“The election date waits for no one and we must begin working and win to carry on Maran’s work in cities around the country. I will keep saying it so everyone understands; this is elevating Maran’s memory for this is how we will carry on his life’s work.”

Regarding Klall Yisrael, while this election does not carry the same significance as Yerushalayim, it is important. Elad is primarily Sephardi as opposed to Betar Illit; which is Porush’s people, and Modi’in Illit Gutterman. There is a certain understanding regarding division of power in chareidi areas.


Do you really think this is how it should work? What is the difference Sephardi or Ashkenazi? What about qualifications?


Okay, I will add that no one in the race comes close to the qualifications of our candidate, Tzuriel Krisfel. He is extremely qualified and has a wealth of experience.


Why was he ousted?


Please do not ask me something I cannot answer for I was not there. He is the selection of Maran, Rav Mordechai Malka and many others who are well informed regarding the events that occurred.


Is it true that Maran said if Porush runs he is sticking a knife in my back and betraying me?


I respectfully request that you as HaGaon HaRav David, who was witness, to respond. Whatever I say I will be accused of not being accurate. I will say the rav felt extremely betrayed after all that Maran did for Porush but for the exact wording, Rav David.


But many Shas supporters will tell you that Shas betrayed them in the past.


I can give my personal guarantee. I was among those responsible for the founding of Elad and I was there and can assure Shas supporters that this will not be the case.

I was there a few weeks ago and I was pained to see how poorly the city is being run. Don’t forget Porush is part of that mess so do not try to throw it all on one person. I can tell you that I am taking Elad as a personal project and hand selected the new candidates for the city council and they will work tirelessly for the residents. Tzuri is highly motivated to bring Elad back to what it was as am I.

On Sunday night we are holding an atzeres and the city’s rabbonim will be with us and we will tell the residents loud and clear, this is what Maran wants.


I am told that Rav Binayahu Shmueli Shlita is backing Porush.


I can tell you responsibly, guarantee you, that Rav Binayahu Shmueli will come out loud and clear for Krisfel, not Porush. This I can promise you.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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