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De Blasio Calls Lhota’s TV Ad “Negative and Divisive.”


If that was his intention, Republican mayoral candidate Joe Lhota managed to get under the skin of his opponent, merely 12 hours after failing to do so in a televised debate.

The ad, released this morning, declared that if Mr. de Blasio wins the mayor’s race, the city will plunge back into the Dinkins’ era where violence and riots ruled the streets.

“I have seen Mr. Lhota’s ad. It is desperate. It is divisive. It is inappropriate,” Mr. de Blasio told reporters today, according to Politicker.

Calling it “divisive and negative,” Mr. de Blasio said Mr. Lhota proved himself irresponsible by authorizing the ad.

“The images are so far over the top that it’s unbelievable that anybody responsible would ever authorize such a thing,” Mr. de Blasio fumed. “I think the people of New York City are going to be angry and disgusted by this ad.”

(Jacob Kornbluh – YWN)

4 Responses

  1. Wake up DeBlasio. This is an ACTUAL image of Crown Heights in Dinkins era!!!
    If you continue to espause Dinkens’ positions, then you will surely run the city in the same way.
    This is a fair depiction of where we are likely headed.

  2. Well, maybe Lhota would like to remind people what the “divisive” mayor, Rudy Giuliani accomplished. Moreover, Mr de Blasio can’t have it both ways: criticizing Giuliani’s tenure and promoting policies that mirror those of Dinkins without unaccounted.

    It baffles me why a former Giuliani aide should have to distance himself from the mayor who got NYC working again and a former Dinkins aide gets a free ride.

  3. Only an uneducated minority, an overeducated white liberal or a criminal would vote for deBlassio after watching that video.

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