There were extremely long lines at Ben-Gurion Airport on Monday as about 37,000 Israelis left the country for summer vacations, joining tens of thousands of Israelis who already left in recent days. According to a Kan News report, over 8,000 Israelis are traveling to countries that are slated to be designated red due to high coronavirus rates by the end of the week.
The coronavirus rate has continued to soar, with 93% of the infections found in the general sector and only 2% in the Chareidi sector. Despite this, Finance Minister Avigdor Lieberman felt it was appropriate to mention the topic of flights to Uman for Rosh Hashanah, which won’t take place for another month and a half, at the cabinet meeting on Sunday morning.
During the meeting, Lieberman said: “I heard the government intends to allow flights to Uman. We have to keep an eye on this.” Health Minister Nitzan Horowitz replied: “The Finance Minister is right about this.”
Meanwhile, both ministers failed to mention the tens of thousands of Israelis flying out of Israel this month, many to red countries, or the fact that the coronavirus rate in the Chareidi sector is currently nominal.
כל אחד ושער השמיים שלו
— יהודה אייזיקוביץ (@chareidiic) July 19, 2021
לפני התחקיר שלנו: 90% חרדים בנתב״ג, ושקרים ש״אבל ככה זה תמיד בטיסות האלה״.
אחרי התחקיר: שרון עידן מגלה איך זה נראה בלי קומבינות, זיופים מברוקלין ופרוטקציות של עוזרי השר המושחת.
מקווה שלמדת משהו שרון— Ilan Lukatch🎗 'לוקאץ (@IlanLukatch) July 18, 2021
Prime Minister Naftali Bennett last week advised Israelis to cancel their summer vacations overseas. “Soon the whole world will become ‘red,’ and your trip will be canceled anyway, so don’t even book,” he said.
Health Ministry Director-General Nachman Ash also implored Israeli to avoid traveling abroad for vacations.
At the end of the week, on Friday, July 23, a number of countries will be designated red by the Health Ministry, including the United Kingdom, Cyprus, Turkey, Georgia, Uganda, Myanmar, Fiji, Panama, Cambodia, Kenya, and Liberia.
The countries that have already been designated red are the United Arab Emirates, Seychelles, Ecuador, Ethiopia, Bolivia, Guatemala, Honduras, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Namibia, Paraguay, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, and Tunisia.
(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)
4 Responses
here an interesting gematria i heard in a shiur
איוט ליברמאן = שטן = 359
I read the article. Uman travellers were not “picked on”.
Rasah Liebermann again. But the chilonim may travel wherever they want?
Lieberman is an idiot. There are some serious inequities in the current legal arrangements across rules and government benefit allocations as between Charedi and secular that warrant review and possible change, but he is alienating even potential allies by the mindless way he is going about it and his hateful rhetoric.